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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 322   View pdf image (33K)
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322 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, 1763.

L. H. J.

Liber No. 52
Oct. 18

and the following Remarks (Vizt)
Remarks on the Inspection Law
In the Inspectors Oath after the Words clear of Trash insert these
[These remarks which begin thus are printed in full in the Upper
House Journal pp. 228-231]

p. 122

Which Remarks were Read the first time and Ordered to lye on the
On Motion of Colo Tilghman Ordered that Colo Tilghman Mr
Johnson Mr J. Tilghman M.r J. Hall Mr Dulany Mr Murdock & Colo
Cresap be a Committee to consider of and Lay before the house
proposals for making Streight (and more effectually amending) the
On Motion of Col.o Tilghman Resolved that for the future a Com-
mittee be appointed and Ordered out by the third day of every
Session to examine and Compare the Record of the Journal of the
preceeding Session with the Original Entrys

p. 123

On Motion of Mr Ringgold leave is given to bring in a bill for
the more easy foreclosure of Mortgages.
Ordered that Mr Ringgold Mr Johnson Mr Hayward and Mr Allen
do prepare and bring in a bill accordingly
On Motion of Mr Bealle leave is given to bring in a Bill to continue
the power of the Sheriffs and Collectors under the Act for granting
£40000 &c.a in collecting and accounting for the Several Sums due
in Virtue of that Act.
Ordered that Mr Bealle Colo Tilghman Mr Johnson Mr Allen & M.r
Hayward do prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly
The house adjourns till 2, of the Clock

Post Meridiem
The house Met according to Adjournment &c.a
M.r Henry Hall M.r J. Goldsborough & M.r Wright appeared in
the house,
On Motion of M.r Allen Ordered that Mr Goldsborough be added
to the Committee of Accounts.
On reading the 2.d time the bill Ent.d An Act for raising 4.d Ster-
ling for every hogshead of Tobacco exported out of this province for
the Support of An Agent in London &c.a
The question was put that the said bill do pass.
Resolved in the Affirmative

for the Affirmative

J. Hall

W. Adams








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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 322   View pdf image (33K)
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