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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 320   View pdf image (33K)
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320 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, 1763.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 18

Tuesday Oct.r 1763.
The house met according to Adjournment &c.a
Mr Ringgold appeared in the house
On Reading the petition of John Paca Robert Adair and Margaret
Paca Ex." of the of the last will & testament of John Paca Jun.r
late of Baltimore County deceased.
Ordered that Mr Ringgold Mr Bealle Mr Earle & Mr Graham be a
Committee to enquire into the allegations and facts contained therein
& Report the same to the house.
The petition of S.t Anns Parish in Ann.le County was read and
Ordered to lye on the Table.
The bill Ent.d an Act for raising [four pence — see page 322]
Sterling for very hogshead of Tobacco exported out of this Province
for the Support of An Agent in London for the Service of this
Province was read the first time & ordered to lye on the table
On Motion of Col.o Tilghman Ordered that the Bill for Support
of An Agent &c.a be read the 2.d time by an especial Order in the
Afternoon after call of the house.
On Motion of Mr Hayward Ordered that M.r Harris be added to
the Committee of Acc.ts

The Order of the day being read this house referred the Considera-
tion of that part of his Excellencys Speech relative to the trade &
Commerce of this Province and Resolved that the same be taken
into Consideration on Thursday Morning next immediately after the
call of the house
The Bill Ent.d an Act for the Security of purchasers and Others
being protestants claiming by or from Aliens was Read and com-
mitted for Amendments.

On Motion of Col.o Tilghman leave is given to bring in a bill for
preventing persons unqualified from writing in the Publick Offices &
for Obliging those who do write therein to take the several Oaths
required by Law.
Ordered that Col.o Tilghman M.r B. Mackall Mr Bealle & Mr John-
son do prepare and bring in a bill accordingly
On Motion of Col.o Tilghman leave is given to bring in a bill to
prevent the Importation of Superannuated impotent and diseased
persons into this province and for Obliging County Pensioners to
wear Badges.
Ordered that Col.o Tilghman Mr J. Tilghman & Mr J. Hall do
prepare & bring in a Bill accordingly.
On Motion of Col.o Tilghman Resolved that for the future a Com-
mittee be appointed and Ordered out by the third day of every Session
to inspect the publick Offices papers and Records and to report the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 320   View pdf image (33K)
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