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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 313   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 313

Upon enquiry into the funds for Sinking the 40,000, we find the
State of them as nearly as we can estimate, to be as follows.

Issued out to the Agents &c.a..................... £37,880
Scalping money not expended.................... 2,120


L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 14

Received in by the funds to this time ..............


due from the Several late Sheriffs & Collectors about .

1, 283.. 1 3.. 0

And from those now in Office Supposing the funds to

yield as much the present year as they did preced-

5,343.. 0..0

ing to the beginning of this Session ..........

from the Several Clerks for duty on Stamps Ac.a ....

200.. 0.. 0

from the Several Naval Officers about .............

1,000.. 0..0

Left in the Agents hands tis said unexpended £142.
Sterling & £100. Currency...................

289.. 6..8

44,679.. 3..2

Your Committee, for want of the Treasurers Accounts being laid
before the Assembly for several years past, can give no information,
as to what may be in their hands from the several funds directed
by Law to be paid into them for the Publick use, but as there has
been for four years last past large importation of negroes into this
Province, it seems probable that there shou'd be a considerable Sum
of the Countrys money in their hands.

Signed p Order, of the Committee
Robert Cowden. Clerk

Which was read and Ordered to lye on the Table.

Mr James Tilghman brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker the
Bill Ent.d a Supplementary act to the Act for the relief of Creditors
and to prevent frauds and deceipts occasioned by secret Sales and
Mortgages and Gifts of goods and Chattels

The Bill Ent.d An Act for the advancement of Justice was sent
to the Upper house by Mr Ringgold and M.r Allen.

The Bill Entd an Act for the preservation of the breed of fish in
the rivers Susquehannah and Patomack was read the 2.d time & will
pass and was Sent to the upper house by Mr Baker and Major

Mr Hammond Major Hynson Mr Ringgold and Mr Dent have
leave of Absence

The house Adjourns till 2, of the Clock

p. 113

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 313   View pdf image (33K)
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