312 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, 1763.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 14
their Attendance on this Session, are not yet added to the Journal
of Accounts; and that more of the Acc.ts of a Company of Militia,
which were ordered by his Excellency the Governor to March from
Kent County in the year 1758 to the ffrontiers, are yet brought into
your Committee.
All which is humbly Submitted to the Consideration of the Hon.ble
Signed p Order Turbutt Wright Clerk
Which was read and Ordered to lye on the Table
p. 112
M.r Dulany from the Committee of the paper Currency office &c.a
brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker the following Report (Vizt)
By the Committee appointed to return to the house a State of the
Public ffunds.
Your Committee having Enquired into the State of the funds
for Sinking the Ninety Thousand Pounds made Current by Act of
Assembly find that by an Account Sent by the Trustees in London,
dated the 29.th of April 1762. the State then was as follows
Capital Bank Stock, 35,500..0..0 which Cost........
44,495.. 12..6
besides a Ballance of Cash unconverted ............
230.. 7..2
the Duty of 1/3 p Hogshead on the Tobacco exported
in 1762 1763 and 1764 which we suppose will
5,610.. 0..0
be about 30,000 p Annum will be ............
the Annual dividend of the Capital Stock for 2 1/2
years of 1600 p Annum ....................
4,000.. 0.. 0
Out in Circulation £6,038 Old Currency not brought"
in & of new Currency issued 55,984 — £62,022
49,016.. 0..0
reduced to Sterling at 33 1/3 Exchange..........
Supposing the Stock Sells for as much as it Cost and
allowing nothing for money lost and destroyed
there will be a Surplusage to the Country of ....
We find also by the Trustees Accounts that of the
above Sum of £62,022 there is Cash in Iron Chest
No. 1 of the Country's Money...............
20,296.. 3.7
And there is due to the Office on Bond ............
6,650.. 16.. 8
26,947.. 0..3
That of the Sum in the Iron Chest aforesaid, there is about £6,000
in Gold & Silver.