The Lower House. 311
Mr Hayward from the Committee of Accounts Acquaints M.r
Speaker, that that Committee wanted another Clerk to expedite the
Business and has made choice of Mr Turbutt Wright as such and
desires the Approbation of the house,
The house approved the Choice and Ordered that he be qualified
in the Usual manner,
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 14
Doctor Steuart acquaints Mr Speaker that Mr Turbutt Wright
had taken before him the several Oaths to the Government required
by Law Subscribed the Oath of Abjuration repeated and Signed the
Test and also took the following Oath. (Vizt)
You Turbutt Wright, do swear, that you will true Entries make
of all such matters and things, as shall be to you directed by any
Committee of the Lower house of Assembly for whom you shall
Act as Clerk: and that you will not divulge the Secrets of the said
house of Assembly, or of any Committee thereof; but will, in all
things, well and truly demean yourself according to the best of your
knowledge: So help you God,
Major Hynson from the Committee of Acc.ts brings in and
Delivers to Mr Speaker the following Report (Vizt)
By the Committee of Accounts 14.th Oct.r 1763.
In Obedience to the Order of the hon.ble the Lower house of
Assembly to report to the house the Amount of the Public Claims
now before them, do find as follows (Vizt)
p. 111
On the last Journal of Ace. s laid before
the house the following sums of
8,672...12..7 1/4
4,009,951 3/4
Money & Tobacco ...............
The Acc.ts now before your Committee
not Entered on the Journals .......
4,277.. 4..8 3/4
Your Committee find by the Inspectors
Tobacco Book, for Tobacco burnt
in Llewellin's Warehouse in S.t
Marys County in the year 1758. that
78.. 5..9
Crop notes amounting to 6263 lb.,
at 25s p 100 have not yet been laid
before the Committee ............
As Also Transfer Notes not yet brought
before your Committee amounting
to 1656 lb., at 22/6 per 100.......
13,046.. :6..5
4,033,573 3/4
Your Committee also Observe, that 18 Days Attendance of the
Members of Both houses and their Several Officers on the last, and