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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 310   View pdf image (33K)
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310 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, 1763.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 13

For defraying the expenses whereof, your Committee give it as
their Opinion, that the above Sum of £3000 be taken out of the
mony now belonging to the province in the hands of the Comm/3
of the Loan Office.
And your Committee are of Opinion, that the annual Expence of
Supporting the said College, So as to give the Masters proper En-
couragement will amount as appears by the following Estimate
to f 1360

p. no

a President or first Masters Salary a Year ................ £300
Second third & fourth Masters each £200. p annum ....... 600
one Mathematical Master ............................. 200
two English & Writing Masters at £100. each p annum....... 200
five Servants & a Boy ................................ 60

For defraying of which annual Expence, Your Committee take
leave to Recommend to the Honourable house the following Funds.
a Tax on Ordinary Licenses in Annapolis £6, elsewhere
3.10..0 ..................................... 600..0..0
a Tax on Batchelors 5s to 20S......................... 420..0..0
The hon.ble Benedict Calvert Esq.r his Donation to King
William school at least.......................
Profits arising on 80 Boys at £4. p Annum ............. 320.. 0.. 0
Your Committee also propose that over and above the said Funds,
two Persons at least in each County be impowered to take in Sub-
scriptions to be applied in any manner that shall be thought most
expedient by the Bill for the Use and further Improvement of the
Said College

All which is Submitted to the Consideration of the hon.ble house.
Signed p Order. J. A. Thomas, Clerk

Which was read and Ordered to lye on the Table,
On Motion Ordered that the Committee of Accounts do Report
to the house on the Morrow Morning the Amount of the Publick
claims now before them.
And that the Committee for inspecting the Acct.s and proceedings
of the Comm" of the paper Currency Office &ca do Report to the
house on the Morrow Morning the State of the publick ffunds.
The house Adjourns till the Morrow Morning at 9. of the Clock

Oct. 14

Friday 14,th Oct,r 1763

The house met according to Adjournment, the Members were
called and all appeared as Yesterday Except Mr Robert Lloyd, the
proceedings were read,

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 310   View pdf image (33K)
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