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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 309   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 309

Which was read the first time & ordered to lye on the Table.
Upon Motion that the Treasurers of this Province have Omitted
for some time to render acc.ts of the mony by them received for the
Use of the Publick.

Ordered that the Committee of Acc.ts do make enquiry when the
last Acct.8 were returned by the Treasurers and Report the same to
the house.

The house Adjourns till 2. of the Clock

Post Meridiem
The house met according to Adjournment &c,a
Mr Charles Graham appeared in the house
On Motion Ordered that Mr Graham be added to the Committee
appointed for inspecting the Acc.ts and proceedings of the Com-
missioners of the paper Currency office &c,a
Ordered that Mr Smallwood be added to the Committee for in-
specting into the State and Condition of the Arms & Ammunition
and Acc.te relating thereto,
The Bill Ent.d An Act for the Advancement of Justice was read
the 2.d time and Indorsed will pass.
Mr Murdock brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker the following
Report (Viz )
By the Committee appointed to Consider of and report to the
house, what funds may be necessary to be raised for erecting & estab-
lishing a College within this Province, Oct,r 13, 1763

Your Committee are of Opinion that the house in the City of
Annapolis which was intended for a dwelling house for the Governor
of this Province for the time being, be Compleatly finished, and
made use of as the College proposed to be established within this
Province, the Expences of which, together with the Charges that will
attend building the Out houses, Gardens & yards, and purchasing
necessary ffurniture, your Committee conceive will amount, as p the
following Estimate to £3000

L. H. J.

Liber No. 52
Oct. 13

For finishing & compleating the house ...................


for furniture building out houses, &c.a Seven Beds & furniture


for the masters ..................................

furniture for Seven Rooms for D.o......................


Dining Room furniture for D.o.........................


Servants beds ......................................


Kitchen ffurniture ..................................


A Brick Stable 24 by 24 ..............................


A Garden Yard &c.a .................................



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 309   View pdf image (33K)
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