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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 304   View pdf image (33K)
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304 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, 1763.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 8

and Slaves or persons indebted out of this Province and the bill Ent.d
an Act continuing an Act Ent.d a Supplementary Act to the Act Ent.d
an Act for the relief of Creditors in England against Bankrupts who
have imported goods into this Province not accounted for,
Which were severally read the first time and ordered to lye on
the Table.
The house adjourns till 2. of the Clock Afternoon

Post Meridiem
The house met according to Adjournment &c.a
On Motion leave given to bring in a Bill for the Security of pur-
chasers and others being protestants claiming by or from Aliens,
Ordered that Mr Johnson Mr J. Hall Mr Dulany and Col.o Cresap
do prepare and bring in the same.

On motion leave given to bring in a bill to Oblige Garnishers to
give Bail and to discover goods and Effects attached in their hands.

Ordered that M.r Johnson Mr Hayward Mr Allen and Mr Loyd
do prepare and bring in the same
The house adjourns till Monday Morning at 9. of the Clock.

Oct. 10

Monday Oct.r 1763.

The house met according to Adjournment the Members were called
and all appeared as on Saturday Except Mr J. Hammond M.r Key
Mr J. Hammond Dorsey and Mr Gantt.
The proceedings were read.
On Motion leave given to bring in a Bill for the better regulating
of proceedings upon Attachments

p. 105

Ordered that Colo Tilghman Mr Johnson Mr J. Hall M.r Ringgold
Mr Allen and Mr Hayward do prepare and bring in the same.
Mr Ringgold brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker a bill Ent.d an
Act for the advancement of Justice which was Read the first time &
Ordered to lye on the Table.
The house adjourns till 2. of the Clock afternoon

Post Meridiem.

The house met according to Adjournment &c.a
Mr Hanson Mr Paca Mr Earle & Mr J. Tilghman appeared in the
Mr Ringgold brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker a bill Ent.d an
Act for the Speedy recovery of small debts out of Court before One
Justice of the Peace which was read the first time and Ordered to lye
on the Table.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 304   View pdf image (33K)
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