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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 305   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 305

Mr Johnson brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker a Bill Ent.d an
Act for the Security of purchasers and others being protestants
claiming by or from Aliens, which was read the first time and ordered
to lye on the Table.
On Motion leave given to bring in an Additional Supplementary
bill to the Act for quieting possessions Enrolling Conveyances and
Securing the Estates of purchasers.
Ordered that Mr Ringgold Mr Johnson Mr James Tilghman Mr
J Hall & Mr Hayward do prepare and bring in the same.
On Motion leave given to bring in a Supplementary bill to the
Act Ent.d An Act for the relief of Creditors & to prevent frauds and
deceipts occasioned by Secret Sales & Mortgages and gifts of goods
and Chatties.
Ordered that Mr Ringgold M.r Johnson Mr James Tilghman Mr
J. Hall and M.r Hayward do prepare & bring in the same.
Philip Key Esqr from the Upper house delivers to Mr Speaker
the bill Ent.d An Act continuing an Act Entd an Act for encreasing
the Allowance of Grand petit jurors who shall attend the Provincial
Court &c.a
The Bill Entd an Act continuing an Act Entd an Act to remedy
some evils relating to Servants,
The Bill Entd an Act continuing An Act Ent.d An Act for the
gauge of Barrels for Pork Beef pitch tar turpentine and tare of
barrels for flour or Bread

The Bill Entd An Act continuing An Act Entd an Act for pre-
venting Indians disaffected to the British Interest in America from
coming into this Province as Spies or on any other Evil design
And the Bill Entd An Act continuing An Act Ent.d a Supple-
mentary Act to the Act Ent.d an Act ascertaining the heighth of
fences &c.a Severally Indorsed by the Upper House of Assembly.
8th Octr 1763. Read the first time & ordered to lye on the table (and
thus) by the Upper house of assembly Octo.r 1763 Read the
2d time & Will pass,

Signed p Order. J Ross. Cl. Up. ho.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 10

Which Bills were Severally read here and passed for Ingrossing,
On Motion leave given to bring in a Bill for the tryal of all matters
of fact in the Several Countys where they have arisen or shall arise.

Ordered that Colo Tilghman Mr J. Tilghman Mr J. Hall & Mr
Johnson do prepare and bring in the same,

On Motion leave given to bring in a Bill for issuing Writs of
Replevin out of the County Courts,

Ordered that Col.o Tilghman Mr J. Tilghman Mr J Hall & Mr
Johnson do prepare and bring in the same

p. 106

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 305   View pdf image (33K)
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