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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 297   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 297

Thursday October 1763

The house met according to Adjournment, the Members were
called and all appeared as yesterday, the proceeding were read.
Mr Hayward appeared in the house.

On Motion the house appointed Mr Ringgold Mr Johnson Mr
Hayward and Mr Loyd a Committee to enquire what Acts are near
expiring and make Report thereof to the house.

Mis Excellency the Governor communicated to Mr Speaker the
following Message (Vizt)

Gentlemen of the Lower house of Assembly.

I Return you thanks for your Obliging Address, and for your
promise to take into your serious Consideration the matters I men-
tioned to you at the Opening of this Session the Business of which,
I am encouraged by your Assurances to hope, will be conducted with
such Harmony between the two Houses as must bring it to a happy
Hor.o Sharpe

On Motion ordered that M.r William Hayward be added to the
Committee of Accounts.

Mr Ringgold from the Committee appointed delivers to Mr Speaker
the following Report (Vizt)

By the Committee appointed by the Lower house of Assembly to
enquire what Laws are near expiring

Do find, that the following Laws will soon expire if not continued.

An Act continuing An Act entituled, an Act for amending the
Staple of Tobacco for preventing frauds in his Majestys Customs,
and for the limitation of Officers ffees. also one other Act, Ent,d a
supplementary Act to the Act, Ent.d An Act for amending the Staple

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct 6

of Tobacco, for preventing frauds in his Majestys Customs and for
the Limitation of Officers ffees: Also one Other Act, Ent.d an
Additional Supplementary Act to the Act, Ent,d an Act for amending
the Staple of Tobacco for preventing frauds in his Majestys Customs,
and for the Limitation of Officers Fees: and also one other Act, Ent.d
an Act for the Relief of Inspectors, and Owners of Tobacco, and
Others, who have Suffered by means of extraordinary Rains, and
high Tides, and other defects in the Inspection Law, passed in
November 1758.

An Act for the keeping a Public Warehouse, for Inspecting To-
bacco at the Land of Ease, on South River, passed Nov.r 1758

An Act continuing An Act, ent,d An Act to prevent Persons from
Secreting Boats, Flats, and other Vessels, drove by Stress of Weather,
or otherwise from Landings and moorings, passed March, 1760

p. 99

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 297   View pdf image (33K)
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