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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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298 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, 1763.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 6

An Act continuing An Act, Ent,d an Act to prevent Masters of
Ships and Vessels from Clandestinely carrying Servants and Slaves,
or Persons indebted out of this Province, passed March 1760.

An Act continuing An Act, Ent,d a Supplementary Act to the Act,
Ent,d an Act for the Relief of Creditors in England against Bank-
rupts, who have imported Goods into this Province not accounted
for passed March 1760.
An Act continuing An Act, Ent,d An Act for the Advancement
of Justice, passed March. 1760.
An Act continuing An Act, Ent,d An Act for preventing Indians,
disaffected to the British Interest in America from coming into this
Province as Spies, or on any other Evil Design passed March 1760.
An Act to augment the Salaries of Several Inspectors, passed
September 1760.
An Act continuing An Act, Ent,d An Act to remedy some Evils
relating to Servants passed Sept.r 1760
An Act to Increase the Salaries of the Inspectors of Snow Hill
Warehouse, in Worcester County, and Plymouth Warehouse in Dor-
chester County, passed March 1760.
An Act continuing An Act, Ent,d An Act for the Speedy recovery
of Small debts out of Court before one Justice of the Peace, passed
Sept.r 1760.
An Act continuing An Act, Ent,d An Act for the Gauge of Barrels,
for Pork, Beef, Pitch Tar, Turpentine, and tare of Barrels for ffour,
or Bread, passed. 1760.
An Act continuing An Act, Ent,d An Act for relieving the In-
habitants of this Province from Some Aggrievances in the prose-
cution of Suits at Law and for continuing the Supplementary Act
thereto, passed Sept,r 1760
An Act continuing An Act, Ent,d a Supplementary Act to the Act,
Ent,d an Act Ascertaining the heighth of Fences, to prevent the Evil
occasioned by the Multitude of Horses and restraining horse Rangers
within this Province and to redress the great Evil accruing to this
Province, by the Multiplicity of useless Horses, Mares, and Colts,

p. 100

that run in the Woods, passed September 1760
An Act for Increasing the Allowance of Grand and Petit Jurors
who Shall attend the Provincial Court, to limit Costs with respect to
Witnesses, and granting them an Allowance for itinerant Charges,
passed Sept.r 1760.
An Act for erecting a Public Warehouse at Vienna Town in Dor-
chester County, passed March. 1760

An Act to augment the Salaries of the Inspectors at Elk Ridge
Landing Warehouse, in Ann Arundel County and the Inspectors of
Emersons Warehouse in Talbot County and for other purposes
therein mentioned, passed March 1762.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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