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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 296   View pdf image (33K)
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296 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, Ij64

L. H. J.

Liber No. 52
Oct. s

Which was read and Assented to and Signed by Order of the
house by the hon.ble Speaker.
The house adjourns till 2 of the Clock Afternoon.

Post Meridiem
The house met according to Adjournment &ca
Major Hynson from the Committee of Acc.ts acquaints M.r
Speaker that that Committee had made choice of M.r Edward
Magruder to be Clerk to that Committee and desires the Approbation
of the house — the house approves the choice and Ordered that he be
qualified in the usual manner.
Doctor Steuart acquaints M.r Speaker that Mr Magruder had
taken before him the several Oaths to the Government required by
Law Subscribed the Oath of abjuration repeated and Signed the
Test and took the following Oath, (Vizt)
You Edward Magruder, do Swear, that you will true Entries
make of all such matters & things, as shall be to you directed by any
Committee of the Lower house of Assembly for whom you shall Act
as Clerk; and that you will not divulge the Secrets thet said house of

p. 98

Assembly Or of any Committee thereof; but will, in all things well
and truly demean yourself according to the best of your knowledge.
So help you God.
Ordered that Mr Ringgold and Mr Hammond do acquaint his
Excellency the Governor that this house hath prepared and address
to be presented to him and desires to know when and where he will
please to receive it They return and acquaint M.r Speaker they
delivered the Message and that the Governor was pleased to Signify
he would receive the Address in three quarters of an hour in the
Conference Chamber
Ordered that Mr Loyd and five more do present the Address to the
The following Message (Vizt)
By the Lower house of Assembly. Oct.r 1763.
May it please your Honours.
This house hath appointed Mr Dulany Mr Ringgold Mr Worth-
ington Mr Robert Loyd Mr Stoddert and Mr H. Hall a Committee
from this house to inspect the Office and proceedings of the Com-
missioners or Truestees for emitting bills of Credit established by
Act of Assembly and desire your Honours will appoint one or more
Members of your house to join in the said Committee.
Signed p Order M. Macnemara Cl. Lo. Ho.

Was Sent to the Upper house by Mr Dulany & Mr Robert Loyd.
The house Adjourns till the Morrow Morning at 9. of the Clock

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 296   View pdf image (33K)
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