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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 212   View pdf image (33K)
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212 Assembly Proceedings, March 17-April 21, 1762.

Liber H. S.
No. 1

the Money by him received in Virtue of the above recited Acts,
shall, at the Foot, or on the Back of his Account, produce over
and above the usual Probate, a Probate under the Hand of some
Provincial or County Justice to this Effect, viz. That the Paper
Money for which he has debited himself in his said Account, is the
Amount of all the Paper Money which he received from the People
by Virtue of the said Acts, during the Time for which he accounts.
And the Commissioners or Trustees shall receive the Money on the
said Accounts agreeable to the Species therein distinguished, and not
otherwise; and shall keep separate and distinct Accounts thereof:

And for so much Gold or Silver as shall be paid into the said Office,
by the Means aforesaid, there shall be burnt and destroyed the like
Sum of the Bills of Credit belonging to the Province in the said
Office. And the said Gold and Silver so paid in, shall be a Treasure
to the Country, subject to Loan by the Commissioners or Trustees,
in the same Manner as other Gold and Silver paid in for Debts due
on Loan to the said Office; any Thing in the said recited Acts, to
the contrary, notwithstanding.

By the Lower House
of Assembly 24th April
1762. Read and assented
Signed p order
J. A. Thomas Cl Lo Ho

In Behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this be a law
Horo Sharpe

By the Upper House
of Assembly 24 April
1762. Read and assented
Signed p order
JRoss Cl Up Ho

The Great Seal
in Wax appt

No. 33

p. 427

An Act for destroying Crows and Squirrels in Baltimore County.
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority

for Squirrels
Scalps, &c.]

of the same, That the Justices of Baltimore County Court shall,
at the laying of their County Levy Yearly, allow unto the several
Inhabitants of the said County, for the Scalp of every Squirrel,
and the Head of every Crow, the Sum of Two Pounds of Tobacco,
that shall be produced over and above the three Squirrel Scalps,
or Crow Heads, which they are obliged to produce by any former
Law of this Province.

[Oath or
to be made
of their being
killed in the
County, after
the 11th of

And be it likewise Enacted, That from and after the Eleventh
Day of June, Seventeen Hundred and Sixty-two, every Person or
Persons who shall bring to any Justice of the Peace, within the
said County of Baltimore, any Squirrel's Scalp, or Crow's Head,
and shall and will make Oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty
God (or Affirmation if a Quaker) that the Squirrels or Crows, of
which he, she or they, then and there actually produced the Heads or
Scalps of, were really and bona fide killed within said County, after

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 212   View pdf image (33K)
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