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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 213

the said Eleventh Day of June, Seventeen Hundred and Sixty-two,
and upon such Oath taken, or Affirmation made, that the Justice of
the Peace of the said County of Baltimore, before whom such Oath

shall be taken, or Affirmation made, and such Scalps or Crows Heads

produced, shall, and he or they are hereby directed to burn, or cause
to be burnt, such Scalps or Heads in his Presence, to the entire
destroying of them; and after such burning and destroying, such
Justice of the Peace shall, and he is hereby directed to give to the
person or Persons bringing such Scalps or Heads, and making

Liber H. S.
No. 1

Oath or Affirmation as aforesaid, a Certificate of his, her or their
having produced the same, inserting therein the Number of each,
and the County, wherein the Party bringing them, proved the killing
such Squirrels or Crows in.
And be it likewise Enacted, That such Oath, or Affirmation if a

to be given.]

Quaker, and Certificate obtained, shall entitle the Person and Persons
to the Quantity of Tobacco herein directed to be paid for such
Squirrels and Crows so killed, in the then next County Levy of the
said County of Baltimore.

for the same
in the

And be it likewise Enacted, That every Person who is obliged
to kill any Number of Squirrels or Crows by this Act, or that shall
be entitled to any Bounty for killing Squirrels or Crows by this
Act, he, she, or they, or some other creditble Person, shall make
Oath (or Affirmation if a Quaker) before some Magistrate, That
such Squirrels or Crows were killed in the said County of Balti-
more; any Law to the contrary, in any wise, notwithstanding.
Provided always, That it shall and may be lawful for the several

[Persons en-
titled to the
Bounty &c.
to make
Oath, &c.]

and respective Inhabitants within this Province, to pay and discharge
the said several and respective Quantities of Tobacco so to be levied
and raised, to and for the Uses aforesaid, in Current Money, in the
same Manner as they are enabled to pay and discharge the Public
or County Levy.
This Act to be in Force for and during the Term of Three


Years, and unto the End of the next Session of Assembly which
shall happen after the Expiration of the said Three Years.


By the Lower House
of Assembly 24th April
1762. Read and assented
Signed p order
J. A. Thomas Cl Lo Ho

In Behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this be a Law
Horo Sharpe

By the Upper House
of Assembly 24th April
1762. Read and assented
Signed p order
JRoss Cl Up Ho

p. 428

The Great Seal
in Wax appt

I do hereby Certify that Reverdy Ghiselin Clerk of the Provincial
Court and Secretary's Office of the Province of Maryland this Day
personally appeared before Me the Subscriber one of the Right


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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