Acts. 201
assessments, in the same Manner and under the same Terms as the
County Charges are usually assessed and levied; and that the Rev-
erend Mr. Thomas Chase, Major Thomas Franklin, Mr. William
Baxter, Mr. John Ridgely, Mr. Nicholas Ruxton Gay, Mr. Mayberry
Helms, and Mr. John Ensor, junior, or the major Part of them, are
hereby authorized, directed and required, to buy and purchase in
Fee, in the Name of the Rector, Vestry-men and Church wardens
of the said Parish, Two Acres of Land in the Parish aforesaid, at a
Place called and known by the Name of T L, for a Chappie of
Ease to the said Parish; and the aforesaid Thomas Chase, Thomas
Franklin, William Baxter, John Ridgely, Nicholas Ruxton Gay, May-
berry Helms, and John Ensor, junior, or the major Part of them,
are hereby authorized, directed, and required, to agree and contract
with a Workman or Workmen, to undertake, erect, build, and in a
Workman-like Manner to compleat and finish on the aforesaid Two
Acres of Land, a Chappie of Ease to the aforesaid Parish, and the
aforesaid Two Acres of Land, when bought, and the aforesaid
Chappie of Ease, when built, and they are hereby Enacted and
Declared to be vested in the said Parish, as the Estate and Chappie
of Ease to the aforesaid Parish, for the Worship and Service of God,
in like Manner as other Lands, and Chappies of Ease thereon built,
in other Parishes, are used and enjoyed.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That the aforesaid Thomas Chase, Thomas Franklin,
William Baxter, John Ridgely, Nicholas Ruxton Gay, Mayberry
Helms, and John Ensor, junior, or the major Part of them, be, and
they are hereby authorized and impowered. from Time to Time,
as Occasion shall require for the Purpose aforesaid, to draw upon
the Sheriff of Baltimore County, in whose Hands the aforesaid
Sum of Six Hundred Pounds Current Money, so as aforesaid to be
assessed and levied, or such Part thereof as shall, by Virtue of this
Act, be so assessed and levied, shall remain, for so much of the said
Money as they the said Thomas Chase, Thomas Franklin, William
Baxter, John Ridgely, Nicholas Ruxton Gay, Mayberry Helms, and
John Ensor, junior, or the major Part of them, shall, from Time
to Time, think it necessary to draw, towards Satisfaction or Pay-
ment for the Purchase of the aforesaid Two Acres of Land, and
for buildings, finishing and compleating the Chappie of Ease afore-
said. And the said Sheriff is hereby authorized and obliged, from
Time to Time, to pay the same to such Orders accordingly, so far
as the Said Sum, thereout first deducting his Commission for Col-
lection, shall extend unto.
[Sheriff to
pay, on the
Order of the
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
said Chappie of Ease, when built, shall be deemed and used as a
Chappie of Ease for the said Parish, to all Intents and Purposes,
p. 418
[The Incum-
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