To the King's most Excellent Majesty.
The Humble Address to the House of Delegates of the Province of
Most Gracious Sovereign
Sensibly affected at our loss in the Death of your royal Grand-
father our late most excellent King, permit us by a sincere Con-
dolence to express our Regard for his glorious Memory and to
acknowledge the many great Blessings we enjoyed under his mild
and auspicious Reign; The Safety and Protection We have ex-
perienced in common with our Sister Colonies, throughout the
Course of the present War, particularly engage us to acknowledge
with Gratitude his paternal Care, but admidst our sorrow at this
afflicting event, We have the Consolation to reflect, that every
Blessing We enjoyed under his Auspicious reign, will certainly
be continued to us by your Majesty whose Accession to the throne,
We beg leave to congratulate with the most unfeigned Joy, and the
highest Satisfaction. And though it be our Misfortune to be thus in
the Discharge of this Duty, We humbly intreat your Majesty to
suspend every unfavorable Sentiment of the People of Maryland
or their Representatives 'till the real Causes of it are laid open to your
royal Consideration, when We are in no doubt of being found as
sincere in our Affection for your Person, and as firm in our Attach-
ment to your Government, as any of your Subjects. Permit us
also at this Time, most gracious Sovereign, to offer our most sincere
Congratulations on your marriage with an illustrious protestant
Princess, endowed with every Virtue and Accomplishment necessary
to compleat your own Domestick Happiness and the Welfare of
your People, And to participate the general Joy which this happy
Event has occasioned throughout your extensive Dominions; An
event which affords us the pleasing Prospect that our Posterity will
be subjects to your royal Offspring, and under them enjoy every
Happiness which We experience under your wise benevolent and
Patriot Government. Long may your Majesty continue to reign
over a Happy and Grateful People, justly sensible of your royal
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
April 24
Merits, and when it shall please the Almighty to call you to the
Rewards of a Life spent in attending to the Interests of Liberty
Virtue and true Religion may your Majesty have the singular Hap-
piness of reflecting that your Crown and Dominions will devolve
upon a worthy successor of your own Illustious Issue; the effect of
your present Happy Marriage in that Height of Glory and Reputa-
tion, in which they now stand.
Which was read and assented to and signed by Order of the
House by the honble speaker.
Ordered, That Mr. Edward Tilghman, Mr. James Tilghman, Mr.
Murdock, Mr. Robert Lloyd, Mr. Ringgold, and Mr. Hammond, do
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