L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
April 24
Mr. Ringgold brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, the following
Ingrossed Address:
To his Excellency Horatio Sharpe, Esq; Governor and Commander
in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland.
The humble Address of the House of Delegates.
May it please your Excellency,
By the Report of the Committee of both Houses of Assembly,
appointed to inspect the Office and Proceedings of the Commissioners
of the Loan-Office, it appears to this House, that many Officers
appointed to collect the several Duties under the £6000 and the
£40,000 Acts, have been very remiss in their Duty. For your
Excellency's fuller Information of the particular Failures, we beg
Leave to refer you to an Extract from the said Report hereto
annexed, and to intreat your Excellency to direct the most effectual
Measures to be taken, to enforce the speedy Payment of those
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From a View of the abovementioned Extract, your Excellency
will also observe, a very unequal Collection of the Excise in the
different Counties; by which it must appear, that some of the Col-
lectors have not been so diligent as they ought to have been; we
must therefore beseech your Excellency to make Use of all the
Means in your Power, to compel the Collectors to be more active
for the future, and thereby prevent a general Loss to the Province,
as well as a great Disproportion of Burthen on Individuals, from
the strict Collection of the Excise in some Counties, and the extraor-
dinary Negligence of the Collectors in others.
We must beg Leave further to refer your Excellency to the
sundry Arrearages mentioned in the said Extract, which have been
long due to this Province on Account of the Ordinary Licences, from
former Sheriffs, several of whom are dead; and to request that
your Excellency will direct the proper Steps to be speedily taken
for the Recovery of those Sums of Money, which otherwise may,
in all Probability, be for ever lost to the Country.
Which was Read and Assented to, and Signed, by Order of the
House, by the Honourable Speaker.
Ordered, That Mr. James Tilghman and Mr. Earle do acquaint
his Excellency, That this House hath prepared an Address, to be
presented to him, and desires to know when and where he will be
pleased to receive it. They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker, That
the Governor signified he would receive it immediately in the Council
Ordered, That Mr. Ringgold, with Five more, do present the
Address to his Excellency.
Mr. Murdock brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker the ingrossed
Address to the King's most excellent Majesty