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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 174   View pdf image (33K)
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174 Assembly Proceedings, March 17-April 21, 1762.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
April 24

transmit the Address to his Majesty, to Mr. Benjamin Franklin in
London, to be by him presented to his Majesty.
Ordered, That Dr. Steuart and Mr. Edmondson do acquaint his
Excellency the Governor, That no Public Business lies before this
House to transact.
Richard Lee, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker,
the following Message:

By the Upper House of Assembly, 24th April, 1762.

p. 84

Your Message of the Sixteenth Instant is of so extraordinary a
Nature, both in Language and Sentiment, [This lengthy message
beginning thus is printed in full in the Upper House journal, pp.

p. 90

Which was Read, and Ordered to lie on the Table.
Samuel Chamberlaine, and Edward Lloyd, Esquires, from the
Upper House, acquaint Mr. Speaker, That the Governor requires
the Attendance of this House immediately in the Upper House.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and (with the Rest of the Members
of the Lower House) went to the Upper House, and there presented
to his Excellency the Governor,
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act to exempt Persons, appearing at Musters, from Arrests in
Civil Cases.
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act to prevent certain Evils and Inconveniencies attending the
Sale of strong Liquors, and running of Horse-Races, near the
yearly Meetings of the People called Quakers; and to prevent the
tumultuous Concourse of Negroes and other Slaves during the said
Meetings; and also one other Act, entituled, An Act to amend and
explain an Act, entituled, An Act to prevent certain Evils and
Inconveniencies attending the Sale of strong Liquors, and running
of Horse-Races, near the yearly Meetings of the People called
Quakers; and to prevent the tumultuous Concourse of Negroes and
other Slaves during the said Meetings.
An Ingrossed Bill entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act for Punishment of Horse-Stealers, and other Offenders.
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act for the more effectual Punishment of certain Offenders, and
for taking from them the Benefit of Clergy.
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An additional and explanatory Act to the Act, entituled, An Act
impowering the Commissioners of the County Courts to levy and
raise Tobacco, to defray the necessary Charges of their Counties
and Parishes.
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act relating to Guardians and Orphans.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 174   View pdf image (33K)
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