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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 582   View pdf image (33K)
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             582        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1670.

        Liber JJ Know all men by these presents that I Gasper Guerin of the County
              of St Maryes within the Province of Maryland Chirurgeon for
              Diverse good causes and Considerations Especially moving me there-
              unto have ordained and made and by these presents doe make put
              and Constitute in my stead and place my trusty and welbeloved
              frend Bryan Daley of the aforesaid County planter to be my true
              and lawfull Attorney for me and in my name to aske sue for require
              Recover and Receive all and all manner Debts which are shall or may
              be due unto me by any manner wayes or meanes whatsoever giveing
              and granting unto my said Attorney my full power strength and
              authority and at receipt thereof acquittances or other discharges
              shalbe made given sealed and delivered and Every such act and acts
              or devises in the Law whatsoever for the Recovery of the afore debts
              he shall doe Execute and per forme as fully and largely in all Re-
              spects to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as if I were there in my
              owne pson prsent, rate fyeing allowing and holding firme and stable
              all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall doe or cause to be done by
              one or more as he shall thinke fit, furthermore I the said Guerin doe
              by these prsents ordaine and declare, that all the goods Chattells and
              cattles both Reall and personall are fully and wholy in my absence
              and as he shall thinke fit at the Disposing of the aforesaid Daley his
              heires Exrs Administrators or Assignes by vertu of these prsents, In
              witnes whereof hereunto I set my hand and seale the 7th day of Sep
              tember 1666.                   G Guerin (sealed)
             In prsence of us
                 Mor. Jones
                Nich:   Flyne

                   Chucketuck October the 2d 1666.
              Loving Frend Bryan Daley,
               After my best Respects presented to you and your wife, these few
              are to let you understand that I am in health at prsent, but have beene
              very sick: for my man Will, I know not yet wath God shall worke
              him, concerning my land above pray be carefull of the securing and
              in case God should call me away I freely give it as it is mine unto ye
              & if any overp!us be left of my Kettell or of wath you can make of
              that which is at John Reynolds I pray bestow it upon Nally Kating,
              doe so well as you can with Mr Quigley, I hope to see you after my
              Retorne, which I hope shalbe (if God blesse me) about March
              next, our ship will be Ready within this fortnight or three weekes,
              not Else at present, but prsenting humble service to Esquier Calvert
              & his Lady I shall remaine    Deare frend and Brother
                                    Your most affectionated servant
                                                   G: Guerin

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 582   View pdf image (33K)
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