Volume 57, Page 583 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1670. 583 Chuckatuck November the first 1666. Liber JJ Honor'd Freind [p. 124] After my best Respects prsented to you and yr Lady, these few are to let you understand that after a fit of sicknes I am in health at prsent sr you Know I left that little I have in Maryland at a strange passe therefore good sr, I shall desire your assistance with my frend Bryan Da!ey as concerning my land above that it may be looked after and wath arrears there are of his Lopps Rent be paid. I understand here that Will: Price hath all the best of the land in his 300 Acres. Pray sr let Bryan Delay no time for if God called me away I freely give it unto Bryan Daley Likewise desire Bryan to see to stave off Mr Quigley so long as he can, and upon payment let him take in the account with a Receipt and a pticuler Receipt for 500 lb Tob in which Munden was bound with me to pay in Ireland in the Towne of Gaiway. I hope if God blesse me well too and fro to have that happines to see you all againe by March or Aprill next we are now Ready to sayle. here goeth a Report that Thomas Owen the quakers boate is cast away and found adrift & ould honnest John Davies was in her to goe up the bay not Else at prsent but prsent ing my Kinde love to my Brother Bryan Daly &c his wife with all their Children T shall Remaine Honor'd Frend Pray Remember me amongest you Your most humble & faith- when you are busy about a boul full servant G Guerin of Punch and I shall Endeavor to minde you when I am at it On the backside of the said Lre was thus written To his most honor'd & Respected Frend William Calvert Escp in the Province of Maryland December the 17th 1670. Received then of William Calvert EscD for the last three yeares Rent of a Tract of land lyeing in Charles l s d County called Elizabeth conteining Three Thowsand 09-00-00 acres the sume of nine pounds sterling I say Received p me Charles Calvert Know all men by these presents that I Nicholas Lock of London Marchant have made ordeined and authorized, and doe make ordaine authorise and in my place by these presents put and Constitute Thomas Rybye of Maryland Marchant my true and lawfull Attorney and in case of his death or incapacity, Benony Eaton of London Marriner and Comander of the shipp Charles my true and lawfull Attorney for me in my name and to my use to demand recover and Receive by all law full wayes and meanes whatsoever of and from all and Every person or persons whatsoever whom it doth shall or may [p. 125] |
Volume 57, Page 583 View pdf image (33K) |
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