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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 581   View pdf image (33K)
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              Provincial Court Proceedings, 1670. 581
  To the Honble the Governor & Councill                 Liber JJ
       The humble Peticon of Francis Hill Sheweth
       That yor Peticoner had a Servant Run away from him about May
     Last and had lately newes of his beinge Apprehended att Mr Augus-
     tine Hermans, Whereuppon yor Peticoner Imployed a Friend upp
     the Bay to Receive him from Mr Herman, whoe could not have him
     delivered without passinge Bill For Fowerteene Hundred poundes of
     Tobaccoe, The wch said sufhe yor Peticoner conceives a greate Exac-
     tion, & contrary to the Law in that behalfe made, wherefore yor
     Peticoner Craves Releife havinge Susteyned great damage & Losse
     by his Servts Absence from his Crop, And yor Peticoner as in Duty
     Bound shall pray.

       Ordered by the Cort That Augustine Harman shall deliver to Mr Order Hill
     Hill his Servt George Taylor now in the Custody of the said Her- and Harman
     maine, Hill payinge to the said Hermaine Fower Hundred poundes
     of Tobaccoe, & noe more             By the Cort.

       Ordered heere by the Cort That William Lawrence exhibitinge a Order
     Peticon to this Cort Desieringe That Mary Elliott late wife of Wil- Lawrence & Elliott
     liam Elliott Decd might be Guardian to William Ellott an Orphant
     She puttinge in Security to be Accomptable For the Estate of the
     said William Elliott when the said Orphantt shall accomplish full
     age, This prayer is to be Granted when Security is given As the Case

       Know all men by these presents that I William Christopher of
     Charles County Marchant have Constituted and in my place put
     Robert Carvile gentt one of the Attorneys of the Provinciall Court
     as Attorney for me to appeare for me at the suite of John England
     in a plea of Trespas on the case and to put in such plea as he shall
     thinke fit Witnes my hand this 30th of January 1670
     John Mildmay                  William Christopher

       On the backside of a writ of possession graunted unto Henry
     Warren to the sheriff of Charles County the 16th of Aprill 1670 by
     ordr of the Justices of the Provinciall Cort (vide fol 68, originall
     writ vide lib writs BB fol 87.) was this written vizt.
       By vertu of this writ I have caused the within mentioned Henry
     Warren to have possession of the lands and Tenemts within men-
     tioned according as by this writ I am Comanded
                           Benj:   Rozer sheriff Cofli Caroli.
     February the third 1670.                     [p. 123]
       Came Bryan Dayley of the County of St Maryes, and did desire
     that the following Lre of Attorney, and two Letters might be Entred
     upon Record, which follow in these words (vizt)

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 581   View pdf image (33K)
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