Volume 57, Page 482 View pdf image (33K) |
482 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1669. Liber JJ Was then read the Comission Sent from the Honble Leiftenñt Generall Charles Calvert Esq to the Deputy Leiftennts here beareing date the nine and twentith day of July last past. William Calvert Esq his Lopps nephew tooke the Oath of a Jus- tice of this Court in pursuance of his LOpps instructions beareing date the eight and twentith day of July last past John Morecroft Gent One of the Attornyes of this Court Sworne his Löpps Attorny Generall untill the Leiftennt Generall Arrivall Richard Carvile Gent admitted and Sworne one of the Attornyes of this Court Thomas Wynn Sworne (Under) Sheriff of the County of St Mar ies. The Court adjourned till the morrow nine of the Clock Att which day his LOpps Justices meet as abovesaid and adjourned the Court untill One of the clock in the afternoone. Att which said houre his Löpps Justices then mett and Samuel Chew Esq Sworne One of his Lopps Justices of this Court in pur- suance of his Lopps Instructions of the eight and twentith of July last past. William Hopkins of Ann Arrundell County being bound to ap- peare here at this day to answer the Complaint of the Sheriff of that County the same Sheriff or any other person appeareing to prosecute the said Complaint Ordered the said William Hopkins be dismist of any further At- tendance here. The Court adjourned till the morrow morning Att which day being the sixtenth day of December in the xxxviiith yeare of his Löpps Dominion &c was then present [p. 34] Philip Calvert Esp Chancellour William Calverti . Thomas Truman Jerome White Esqs Justices Esqs Justices Samuel Chew Baker Brook William Calvert Esq One of his Lopps Deputy Leiftenñts Sworne judge in Testamentary buisnesse. Daniel Jenifer pt agt Justinian Gerrard deft Comand was given to the Sheriff of the County of St Maries that he attach Justinian Gerard if he should be found in his Bailiwick |
Volume 57, Page 482 View pdf image (33K) |
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