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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 481   View pdf image (33K)
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              Provincial Court Proceedings, 1669. 481

     Creeke and runing from the sd Oake, Westerne by North for One Liber JJ
     hundred Pches to a Marked Red Oake standing on the south side of
     the towne path Bounded on the west by a line Drawne Southerne by
     East for One hundred & Sixty Pches to an Other Red Oake standing
     by the towne path: Bounded one the South by a line drawne Easterne
     by south for One hundred ?ches bounded one the East by a line
     drawne from the end of the Eastern by South line to the first bounded
     White Oake Conteyning & now laid out for One hundred Acres
     more or less: With Appurtenances and all houses Edifices Buildings
     Tobbacco houses & all out houses Orchards & Gardings thereunto
     belonging To haue & to hold unto him the said Thomas Doxey his
     heires Execrs Adminirs or Assignes All & Singuler the premisses
     wth the Appurtenances for ever Yeilding and thereout paying two
     Shillings yearely for his Lordshipps Rent and all other Dues or
     dutyes Specyfyed In the Pattent of the said land, according to the
     time & places therein Specified: And the said Jeremiah Harrington
     Doth hereby bind hixnselfe his Heires Execrs Administrators & As-
     signes to warrant and defend the premisses with the Appurtenances
     unto the said Thomas Doxey his heires Execrs Administratrs or As-
     signes from all Just Claimes Whatsoeuer In witnes hereof the aboue-
     said Ptyes haue to these Indentures Interchangably put there hands
     and Seales the day & yeare first aboue written
     Signed Sealed & Deliuered    Jeremiah Harrington
      In the prsents of us      his HI Marke (sealed)
          Joseph Brough
          Bryan Dayley
     December the 16th 1669 The aforegoeing Conveyance was by the said
     Jeremiah Harrington & his wife Acknowledged in Open Court.

      These presents shall Testifie that I Richard Smoot of Charles [p.33]
     County &c Richard Harrison of the same County Doe Promise &
     Ingaidge to Answere all Debts or whatsoeuer shall come Against
     Edward Chandler who is now bound for the Kingdome of England
     &c To this wee the Ptyes aboue named haue sett our hands this
     of December MDClxix          Richard R S Smoote
                                  Richard Harrison

     The Provinciall Court of the Right Honble Caecilius Absolute Lord
     and Proprietary of the Province of Maryland holden at the Citty of
     St Maries before his LOpps Justices of the said Court the fourtenth
     day of December in the xxxviiith yeare of his Lopps Dominion &c
          Annocp Doth One thousand six hundred Sixty nine
   Present The Honble Philip Calvert Esq Chancellour
           Jerome White
                       Esqs Justices
           Baker Brooke

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 481   View pdf image (33K)
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