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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 483   View pdf image (33K)
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              Provincial Court Proceedings, 1669. 483

     So that he haue his body here at this day to answer unto Daniel Liber JJ
     Jenifer in a plea that he render unto him Seven hundred Sixty five
     pounds of tobacco which &c Att which day the Sheriff returnes that
     the said Justinian Gerrard is not found within his Bayliwick where-
     fore Comand is given to the Sheriff that he attach any the Goods
     Chattells or Creditts of the said Justinian Gerard to the value of
     seven hundred sixty five pounds of tobacco and the same in his Cus-
     tody keepe untill the said Justinian Gerard shall either by himselfe
     or his Attorny appeare before The justices here the eighth day of
     February next to answer the suite of the said Daniel Jenifer, at which
     day the same Sheriff returnes that the said Justinian hath not any
     Goods or Chattells within his Bayliwick whereby he may be attached
     therefore Ordered by the same justices here to witt the said eighth
     day of February in the yeare aforesaid that it be againe Comanded
     the sheriff that he attach &c.

     Mary Smith executrix Wm Smith pt Jeniter p quer.
     agt James Shacklady
      Comand was given to the Sheriff of Talbott County that by good
     and honest men of his Bailiwick he make knowne to the said James
     that he be and personally appeare here at this day to shew cause
     (if he haue any) why execution should not issue forth against him
     for a certaine debt of Six thousand pounds of tobacco which the said
     Mary at a provinciall Court held here the fifth day of June in the
     xxxvith yeare of his Löpps Dominion &c and at this day the Sheriff
     makes returne That he proclaimed the same before John pltt and
     John Darby according to the tenor of the writt, And the same James
     not appeareing here at this day it is Comanded the Same Sheriff that
     of the goods Chattells or Creditts of the said James he cause to be
     made aswell the debt of six thousand pounds of tobacco aforesaid
     as also One hundred thirty five pounds of tobacco for costs of suite
     and the same deliver unto Daniel Jenifer or his Order and that he
     make returne of the execution of that precept to the justices here the
     eighth day of February next.

     Robert Simonds plt Knighton                 [p. 331
     Thomas Hughes deft
      It was Comanded the Sheriff of St Maries County that he attach
     Thomas Hughes if &c and him Safe Keepe So that he have his body
     here at this day to answer unto Robert Simonds in a plea of trespas
     upon the case Att which day the Sheriff returnes That the said
     Thomas Hughes is not found in his Bailiwick.
      And whereas the said Robert by Thomas Knighton his Attorny
     Saith that the Said Hughes in or about January last became indebted
     unto the Said Simonds in Six hundred pounds of good Sound mer-
     chantable Tobacco in Caske for goods before that time sold by the

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 483   View pdf image (33K)
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