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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 410   View pdf image (33K)
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            410       Provincial Court Proceedings, 1668—69.

       Liber FF   vizt Cropt on both eares and A hole on the right Eare, On the left a
              Slitt and A Nicke under the left Eare

       [p. 7541 The Prouinall Court of the Rt Honble Caecilius Absolute Lord & Pro-
                prietary of the Prouince of Maryland Holden att the Citty of
        St marys before the Justices of the said Court the ninth
                   day of February in the Seaven     thiretyth yeare of

        the Dominion of his lordsp ouer the said Prouince
              Annoq Domini one thowsand Six hundred
                           Sixty Eighte

                 Charles Caluert Esq Leiutennt Generall
                 Philip Caluert Esq Chancellour
                    Jerome white
                    Baker Brook Esqrs Justices
                    Coll:   wm Euans

                The Court being mett and the Cryer hauing made Proclamacon
              Thatt all manner of persons who haue any thing to doe att the said
              Court to draw neer and giue theire attendance

                Thomas Carleton was then Sworne an Attorny of this Court
              According to the Oath for an Attorny of the Prouinall Court

         Henry Cox the Attorny    Morecroft p quer
                of Tho: Dennis Complt:
              William Berry defendt
                This Cause depending in Chancery last Court when itt was Ordred
              that Attachmt of Contempt issue against the defendt for his not ap-
              pearing then to answere which said Attachmt not issueing and the
              defendt now called and not appeareing,
                It is therefore againe Ordred that an Attachmt of Contempt issue
              agt the defendt to answere the next Court his Contempt herein &
              what else shall be Then Objected against him &c

                Christian Banister being ordred last Court to make her appearance
              this Court to answere what should be objected agt her on behalfe of
              the Court, doth accordingly appeare And is Ordred That she finde
              Suretyes for her appearance next Court in the meane while to be of
              the good behauiour towards his löpp and all the people of this prouince

          Mark Cordea plt     Morecroft p quer.
              John Powick defendt
                The plt Obtaining last Court an Attachmt agt the Estate of the
              defendt which then Issued and the sherriffe makes returne thereof
              in these words Not to be found—Tho: Brook sherr

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 410   View pdf image (33K)
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