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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 409   View pdf image (33K)
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             Provincial Court Proceedings, 1668—69.    409

     unto me his said sonn by Will Or Otherwise then to make Demand Liber FF
     Sue and recouer the same and upon receipt thereof to accquitt and
     Discharge and by these presents I Doe Give unto my Said Attorny
     full power as though I my selfe were personally present and as the
     Law requireth in such Cases and to the true intent and meaneing [p.752]
     hereof I haue hereunto Interchangably sett my hand and seale this
     xxvith of January and in the yeare One thousand Six hundred Sixty
     eight                      William Savidg (seale)
     Signed Sealed & Delivered
      in the presents of us
         James Cullumes
         John Tassell

      Know all men by these presents that I Petronel Chivers of the
     County of Calvert Spinster haue Constituted Ordained and appointed
     and by these presents doe Constitute Ordayne and appoint and in
     my Stead and place put and Depute Daniel Jenifer of the County of
     St Maries Gent to be my true and Lawfull Attorny and Depute Ir-
     revocable, In my name and to his the said Daniels proper use &
     behoofe to aske Demand require recover and receive by Order of
     Law or Otherwise of Francis Gunby of the County of Charles Plais-
     terer the sume of three thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco in
     Caske Appeareing to be Due to me by Bill under hand Writeing of
     the said Francis Gunby and in my name to sue arrest Implead Or
     Imprison the sd Francis Gunby for the said Debt if Need require and
     upon sattisfacon and payment made from prison Or execucon to
     Deliver and accquittance Or Other Lawfull discharge Or Discharges
     in my Name to signe seale and Deliver and in my Name to appeare in
     all Courts and places and before all persons my person to represent
     and in my Name to doe all things as I my selfe might Doe in the
     premisses Rattifying and Confirming for firm Good and effectuall
     and of Full power and Force all that my said Attorny his substitutes [p.753]
     Or assignes shall Doe Or Cause to be Done in the premisses in my
     Name and to his Owne proper use as aforesaid In Wittnes Whereof
     I haue hereunto sett my hand and seale this twelfth day of October
     in the xxxviith yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c Annoq Dom
     1668                      the marke of
    Sealed & Delivered      Petronell X Chivers (Sealed)
      in presence of
         Chr:  Rousby
         Will Fardel

      February the Seaventeenth Annoq domini One thowsand six hun-
     dred sixty Eight
      Came Marke Cordea of the County of St Mary's Inholder and de-
     sired his Eare marke of Cattle might be recorded wch is as followeth

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 409   View pdf image (33K)
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