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240 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667—68. Liber FF uery sick soc that he could not trauaile soe farre as to the Court, Wherefore Ordered that the defendt doe make his appearance the next Prouinall Court, then to answer the said suite and abide the Judgmt of the Court therein John Morecro ft p p This Cause depending In Chancery the defendt Hen: Hough defendt hath time untill tommormorning to put in his Nottley p quer Answer to the Complts Bill William Moffett Plaintiff The defendt being brought heither The Attorny of Richard Allen by a Scire facias to shew Cause Thomas Bowdel defendant (if any) why Execucon should Morecroft p quernot issue for thirty pounds four Rozar p defendtteen shillings and six pence ster ling to be rated in tobacco at seauen farthings the pound, upon a Judgmt obtain'd by the plt agst the said defendt att this Court held in October anno One thowsand six hundred sixty flue—The defendt al- leadgeth that the said debt is allready sattisfyed and Craueth time to produce his receipts in discharge thereof untill the next Prouinall Court, which was allowed him by the Court Thomas Nottley p p The defendt being brought heither by a Geo: Thompson defendant Scire facias issuing out of this Court to Rozar p deft shew Cause (if any) why Execucon should not issue for two thowsand seauen hundred pounds of tobacco upon a Judgmt Obtain'd for the said sume by the plt agst the defendt att this Court in march anno One thowsand Six hundred Sixty foure, Ordered the plt haue Judgmt agst the defendt for One thowsand One hundred and thireteen pounds of tobb the remaindr of the aforesaid Judgmt yet unpaid wth Cost Daniel Jenifer p p the defendt being attached by a writt of Tho: Allanson defendant priuiledge issuing out of this Court in an accon of debt for two thowsand pounds of tobacco, on the back side of which writt Benjamin Rozar high sherriffe of Charles County makes his returne that he hath taken the Body of the deft according As the said writt requires But the deft not appearing Judgmt is granted the plt against the said sherriffe for the said debt of two thowsand pnds of tobacco and that hee be amerced according to the Act &c Richard Tilghman plt The plt sues the deft in an accon of the Case Simon Carpenter deft for foure thowsand foure hundred & fourty Morecroft p quer pounds of tobacco residue of flue thousand Jenifer p defendant foure hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco formerly due to the said plt: but upon request made by letters both |
Volume 57, Page 240 View pdf image (33K) |
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