Volume 57, Page 239 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667—68. 239 Judgmt granted by the Court to the plt for tenn pounds ster: the Liber FF principle named in the said Bond agst Richard & George Wells the Executors of Richard Wells late deceased John Stansby plaintiffe The plt sues the defendts in an accon of Richard & Georg Wells the the Case for Fowrty pounds sterling Admrs of Richard wells . for physick and attendance Adminis decd defendants . . - — tred in the life of the said Richard Wells John Morecroft p quer - senr deceased—The defend plea (uizt) Thomas Nottley p def And the aforesaid Ri: Wells & George Wells by Thomas Nottley theire Attorny Comes & defends the force & Injury when &c: and saith that he the said John his Accon against them ought not to haue for they say the plaintiff did Administer physick to the said Richard Wells senr att seuerall times within the times by the said Plaintiff alleadged and for plea saith that the said Plaintiffe was by the said Richard fully sattisfyed & paid for all manner of physick so by him administred as he in his declaracon hath alleadged and for his atten- dance thereabouts therefore they Craue Judgmt &c: Nottley And the aforesaid John stansby saith that he the said John by the plea of them the said Richard and George in Barre pleaded from his sd accon ought not to be excluded for he saith he the said John was neuer sattisfyed for the said physick as they the said Richard and Georg haue aboue in theire plea alleadged and of this he prayeth the Judgmt of the Court And they the said Richard & George likewise &c The plt for euidence produceth the Records wherein the Answers of Richard Wells sent and Richard Junr to some Interrigatorys of the plts put in Chancery formerly depending between the said stansby Complt and the said Richard senr & Junr defcndt was entred, where they both sett forth upon Oath that they once proffer'd the said stansby thirety pounds sterling for his Care and paines taken in the time of the said Richard senr his sicknes and the aforesaid defendts Richard and George wells not prouing or making appeare that the plt was anywayes sattisfyed for his said paines and Care taken since they the said Richard senr and Junr did sett forth upon Oath concerning the 3aid thircty pounds soe due as is allead'ged att large in their said Answers to some Interrigatories put by the then Complt Wherefore Ordered that the said John Stanesby haue Judgmt for Thirety pounds Sterling agst the said Richard & George wells the defents as Administrators of the Goods and Chattles of the said Richard Wells late deceased wth Cost of suite Georg Attkins plaintiff The plt sues the defendt in an accon of debt [p. 5421 James Veitch deft for twelue Thowsand pounds of tobacco Morecroft p quer upon Bill sealed—The defendt not appear- Jenifer p deft ing, it was alleadg'd to the Court that he was |
Volume 57, Page 239 View pdf image (33K) |
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