Volume 57, Page 241 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667—68. 241 from plt & defendt to the Gouernor that the present troubles in those Liber FF parts wth the Indians will not admitt of theire appearance this Court Wherefore Ordered that this Cause be Continued untill next Court and that both parties doe then appeare in the said suite John Morecroft p p The plt sues the defendt in an accon of debt [p. 5431 Hen: Hough defendt for flue Thowsand pounds of tobacco due Nottley p defendant upon demand—the defendt by Tho: Nottley his Attorny and by warrt undr the hand of the said Hough soe to doe doth acknowledge Judgmt to the plt for the said sume of Fiue Thowsand pounds of tobacco which said sume doth end & Determine the a foregoing Cause in Chancery ut per Contra upon agreemt be- tween both parties made thereon Robert King Plaintiffe The defts being brought to this Court Wm Greene Eliz: his wife by a Scire facias issuing out of this & Tho: Braddy defendants Court to shew Cause (if any) why Morecroft p quer. Execucon should not issue for a suffi- cient Cowe about flue or seauen yeares of age wth a Cow Calfe of Six months old and one hundred pounds of tobacco for damage by the plt suffered, and three thowsand three hundred and thirty pounds of tobacco adjoudg'd by the Court for Costs and Charges expended in a suite formerly depending between the said plt and defts, in which suite the aforesaid sumes was obtain'd by Judgmt in Uctob' anno one thowsand Six hundred sixty six, The Defendants alleadging noth- ing to the Contrary why Execucon should not issue for all and euery the aboue specfyed sumes, Ordred that the said Robert King haue Execucon for the abouesaid Cow and Calfe and the said sumes of Three Thowsand Fowre hundred and thirety pounds of tobacco Whereas Ann Pinner alias Attkins the relict of Richd Pinner late decd had Admcon Comitted to her of the Goods & Chattles of the said Richard Pinner who dyed (as the Office was then inform'd) intestate since which there doth appeare a will of the said Richard Pinners Wherefore upon informacon giuen the Court that Georg Attkins since marrying the said Relict and doth dayly imbezill & wast the Estate of the said Richard Pinners decd whereby in time the said Pinners Orphants will be totally depriu'd of theire right thereto, It is Ordred that Administracon be Committed to the said Ann Pinner alias Attkins wth the said will annexed upon the Estate of the said Richard Pinner deceased she being named Executrix in the said Will, and that her now husband George Attkins is not to haue any Intrest in or to meddle with any part or parcell of the said Estate which shall be duely brought in and Administred upon by Vertue of the a foregoing Aministracon, neither is the said George Attkins to bee burdened withall or molested wth any of the debts that shall ensue |
Volume 57, Page 241 View pdf image (33K) |
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