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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 189   View pdf image (33K)
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              Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667.     189

    of James Lindseys westermost bounded tree being a Pokicory tree Liber FF
    bounding on the west by a line drawne North for bredth one hundred
    & fifty perches to a marked pokicory tree on the North by a line
    drawne East from the sd Pokicory for length two hundred twenty
    and five perches on the East by a line drawne Sowth for bredth one
    hundred & fifty perches unto the land of James lindsey on the west
    with the said land Conteyning & now laid out for two hundred & fifty
    acres more or lesse the said land being taken up by Christopher Rivers
    the patent bearing date the two & twentyeth day of June in the two &
    thirtyeth yeame of his lops Dominion over this said province anno
    Domini one thousand Sixe hundred Sixty three and now in the pos-
    session of the above sd John Hackister all & Singuler which said
    parcell of land together with all & Singuler the houses buildings
    structures & edifices whatsoever there unto belonginge or apperteyn-
    ing together with all the Orchards, Gardens pastures, feedings, Com-
    mons, Commons of pastures Ranges for hoggs Woods underwoods
    waters water courses fishings fowlings waies Easemts profitts Corn-
    modityes hereditaments whatsoever unto the said land belonging or
    in any Manner of wise apperteyning To have and to hold the said
    Parcell of land and all & singuler the premisses before menconed to
    be hereby bargained & sold with the appurtenances there unto belong-
    ing & every part & pcell thereof wtsoeü before named or Recited unto
    the sayd John Hackestr his heirs Executors Admrs & assignes for
    ever Yeelding and paying theme fore yearely to the Rt honorable the
    Lord Proprietor of this Province the Rents due for the said land at
    the feast of the Nativity of our blessed lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
    if the same be lawfully demanded & the sd James Hussey for himself e
    his heirs Executors & Administrators Doe Covenant and agree to and
    wth the said John Hackester his heires Executors Administrors and
    assignes & every of them by theis presents that he the sayd John
    Hackister his heires Executors Admrs & assignes shall and May
    peaceably & Quietly have hold, Occupy possesse and enjoy all and [p. 476]
    Singuler the premisses bargained & sold & euy part and parcel] thereof
    with every the Rts Members and appurtenances without the law full
    lett Suite trouble Eviccon Exquisicon interupcon or demand law-
    fully claiming by from or under tl1em or any of them or to their
    or any of their uses or from or under their or any of their uses
    Intailes wills Rents charges Rent services titles Estates meanes or
    procurements As also acquitt and Discharge or within convenient
    tyme after reasonable request made well & sufficiently saved & kept
    harmlesse of & from all manner of former bargaines Sales leases
    Estates former leases, titles Dowers, Rts or titles of Dowers Joynt-
    tures uses intayles Wills Rents Charges Rent services arrearages of
    Rents Statutes Recognizances Judgemts Exemcons titles troubles
    charges & demds whatsoeü had made done Comitted or wittingly or
    willingly suffered by the said James Hussey his heirs or assignes

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 189   View pdf image (33K)
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