380 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 26-0ct. 15, 1760.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
Oct. 13
Mr. Speaker with the Rest of the Members returned to the Lower
House, and re-assumed the Chair.
Mr. Hanson brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, a Bill, entituled,
An Act Reviving and Continuing an Act, entituled, An Act directing
the Manner of Punishing Fornication and Adultery before a single
Justice of the Peace, out of Court.
A Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, An Act to
remedy some Evils relating to Servants.
Which Bills were severally Read the first and second Time by an
especial Order, and will pass.
Col. Henry, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker, the
Bill, entituled, An Act for continuing an Act, entituled, An Act for
Relieving the Inhabitants of this Province from some Aggrievances
in the Prosecution of Suits at Law, &c.
The Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, A Supple-
mentary Act to the Act, entituled, An Act ascertaining the Height of
Fences, &c.
The Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, An Act
for the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Pitch, Tar, Turpentine &c.
The Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, An Act
for the speedy Recovery of small Debts out of Court, before one
Justice of the Peace. And,
p. 326
The Bill, entituled, An Act to augment the Salaries of several
All which Bills were severally Indorsed; By the Upper House of
Assembly, 13th October, 1760.
Read the first and second Time by an especial Order, and will pass.
Signed p Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho.
Which Bills were severally Read here, and passed for Ingrossing.
Benedict Calvert, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker, the Bill, entituled, An Act for Granting a Supply of
£32,000 for his Majesty's Service, &c. Indorsed, By the Upper
House of Assembly, 13th October, 1760. Read the first Time, and
will not pass.
Signed p Order, J. Ross, Q. Up. Ho.
Col. Lloyd, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker, the
Bill, entituled, An Act for Conveying and Transporting the French
Prisoners, therein mentioned, to England; Indorsed, By the Upper
House of Assembly, 13th October, 1760. Read the second Time,
and will pass with the following Amendments :
In the loth Line of the first Page, after the Word that, insert
the Names James Dick and Lancelot Jacques.