The Lower House. 379
On Reading the Petition of the Reverend Mr. Bacon the first
and second Time; Ordered, That Mr. Dulany, Mr. Tilghman, Mr.
Carroll, Mr. Murdock, and Mr. Hammond, do bring in a Bill for
the Purposes mentioned in the said Petition.
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock Afternoon.
Post-Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment.
On Motion, that the Journals of the Lower House of Assembly,
now remaining in the Secretary's Office as well as the Records of
Laws, being very imperfect, or in a confused State; Ordered, That
the Reverend Mr. Bacon have Access .to the Records of Assembly,
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
Oct. n
particularly from the Year 1692 to the Year 1703, in order for his
better Revising the Laws.
Mr. Matthews Tilghman brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, an
Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act for Easing the Inhabitants of this
Province, from the great and unequal Burthen of the additional
Land-Tax, which was Read and Assented to, and sent to the Upper
House, with the Paper Bill thereof, by Mr. Murdock and Mr. Earle.
On Motion, Ordered, That Mr. Hammond be added to the Com-
mittee of Aggrievances and Courts of Justice.
The House adjourns till Monday Morning at 9 a Clock.
p. 324
Monday, 13th October, 1760.
The House met according to Adjournment. The Members were
called, and all appeared as on Saturday, except Mr. Gresham, Mr.
Waggaman, and Mr. Govane. The Proceedings were Read.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock Afternoon.
Post-Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment.
Richard Lee, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker,
the Paper Bill, entituled, An Act for Easing the Inhabitants of this
Province, from the great and unequal Burthen of the additional
Land-Tax, Indorsed, By the Upper House of Assembly, 13th Oc-
tober, 1760. The Ingrossed Bill, whereof this is the Original, is
Read and Assented to.
Signed p Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho.
Col. Henry, and Stephen Bordley, Esq; from the Upper House,
acquaint Mr. Speaker, That the Governor requires the Attendance
of the Lower House immediately in the Council Chamber.
Oct. 13
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and with the Rest of the Members
of the Lower House went to the Council Chamber, and there pre-
sented to his Excellency, the Ingrossed Bill, entituled,
An Act for Easing the Inhabitants of this Province, from the
great and unequal Burthen of the additional Land-Tax;
Which the Governor Passed into a Law in the usual Manner.
p. 325