The Lower House. 381
In the second Page, after the 12th Line, insert as follows, And be it
further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, a Commission at 5 p
Centum be taken and retained by the Commissioners aforesaid, for
their Trouble in the Execution of this Act.
Signed p Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho.
Which Amendments being Read, the House doth not agree
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
Oct. 13
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
p. 327
Tuesday, 14th October, 1760.
The House met according to Adjournment. The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday. The Proceedings were Read.
Mr. William Thomas appeared in the House.
The Petition of All-Saints Parish, in Frederick County, Referred
last Session to the Consideration of this Session, was again Read,
and Referred to the Consideration of the next Session of Assembly.
The Bill, entituled, An Act reviving and continuing an Act, en-
tituled, An Act directing the Manner of Punishing Fornication and
Adultery before a single Justice of the Peace, out of Court. And,
The Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, An Act
to remedy some Evils relating to Servants ;
Were sent to the Upper House by Col. Hopper and Mr. Dorsey.
The House taking into Consideration the Inconveniencies arising
from the Non-Attendance of Members at the Beginning of every
Session of Assembly, and from Members absenting themselves with-
out Leave of the House, Do Resolve, That every Member who doth
not send his reasonable Excuse in Writing to the Speaker, on or
before the second Day, after the Day appointed for the Meeting of
every Session of Assembly, shall be burthened with all the Expence
that shall accrue upon such Member's being sent for by the Serjeant,
to be deducted out of such Member's Allowance in the Journal of
Accounts. And that if any Member shall absent himself, during
the Session of Assembly, without Leave of the House, the Allow-
ance due to such Member for his preceding Attendance in such
Oct. 14
Session, shall be struck off the Journal of Accounts.
On Reading the Representation of the Justices of the Peace and
Grand Jury of Caecil County; Ordered, That Leave be given to bring
in a Bill, To enable the Inhabitants of Caecil County to erect an
House for the Benefit of the Poor of the said County; and that
Mr. Matthew Tilghman, Mr. Earle, Mr. Baker, Mr. Goldsborough,
and Mr. Hanson, do prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
On Motion, Leave given to bring in a Bill, To enlarge the Allow-
ances of the Grand and Petit Jurors, and Witnesses, attending the
Provincial Courts.
p. 328