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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 269   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 269

Money to be paid by this Act, and of all such Contracts, Debts,
Lawyers and Officers Fees, and Levies, and all such Bounties,
Rewards, and Allowances, given and allowed by any Act of As-
sembly of this Province, in Money or Tobacco, and all such Fines,
Forfeitures, and Penalties, settled or established in Money or
Tobacco by any Law of this Province, and of all such Rates, duties,
and Impositions, upon the Importation or Exportation of any Goods,
Wares, or Merchandizes, Servants and Slaves, allowing the usual
Allowance of Thirty-three Pounds Six Shillings and Eight Pence
per Cent, between Sterling and Currency; and of all other Debts,
of what Nature, Quality, or Degree soever, now due, or which shall
hereafter arise or become due, during the Continuance of this Act,
which, by the Laws of this Province, shall and may be paid in any

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 8

Bills of Credit already Emitted and made Current in this Province,
or in Gold or Silver; and if any Person or Persons shall produce
to the Commissioners or Trustees for Emitting Bills of Credit,
established by the Act of Assembly, for Emitting and making Cur-
rent Ninety Thousand Pounds Current Money of Maryland, in
Bills of Credit, within the Time by the said Act limited for cancelling
and vacating the Bills of Credit, now in Circulation, in Virtue thereof,
any Bill or Bills of Credit Emitted or made Current by Virtue of
this Act, the same Bills of Credit shall be cancelled and vacated; and
such Person or Persons shall be satisfied and paid for them out of
the same Fund, and in the same Manner, as if they had been Bills
of Credit Emitted and made Current by Virtue of the aforesaid
Act, for Emitting and making Current Ninety Thousand Pounds
Current Money of Maryland, in Bills of Credit; any Law, Usage,
or Custom, or any Thing herein before contained to the contrary,

XV. And be it further Enacted, That any Person or Persons
tendering or offering the Bills of Credit, by this Act to be Emitted,
in Discharge of any such Debts or Contracts as aforesaid, or in
Payment or Discharge of any such Levies, Fees, Penalties, Bounties,
Rewards, and Allowances, Fines, Forfeitures, Rates, Duties, and
Impositions, as aforesaid, shall have and receive the same Benefit
and Advantage from and by such Tender, as if such Tender was
made in Gold or Silver, or Tobacco, in Specie, or in the Bills of
Credit heretofore Emitted and made Current in this Province; any
Law, Usage, or Custom, to the contrary, notwithstanding.
XVI. And be it further Enacted, That if at any Time pending
any Action or Suit, for the Payment of Current Money, payable by
Bond, Bill, Note, Account, or other Contract, the Defendant shall
bring into Court, where the Action or Suit shall be depending, all
the principal Money and Interest due on such Bond, Bill, Note,
Account, or other Contract, and pay all Costs, which shall arise
due on such Action or Suit, and shall tender the same Bills of

p. 217

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 269   View pdf image (33K)
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