268 Assembly Proceedings, March 22-April 11, 1760.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 8
Books of Accounts of all their Transactions, and of all their Pro-
ceedings, in Virtue of this Act; for which, and for every other
Service incident to his Office, in Virtue of this Act, he shall have a
Salary of Fifteen Pounds Current Money, and no more, to be paid
by the said Commissioners or Trustees in the said Bills of Credit.
But, before he shall enter upon the Execution of his said Office,
he shall take an Oath before some Justice of the Peace of this
Province (who is hereby impowered and required to administer
the same) in these Words: "I A. B. do Swear, That I will truly
and faithfully perform and execute the Office and Duty that is
directed and required of me as Clerk to the Commissioners or Trus-
tees for Emitting Bills of Credit, established by Act of Assembly,
by a Law of this Province, entituled, An Act for granting a Supply
of Sixty Thousand Pounds for his Majesty's Service, and for de-
fraying the Expences heretofore incurred for the Defence and
Security of the Frontier Inhabitants of this Province, and for
other Purposes therein mentioned; and I will keep just, true, and
regular Accounts of all the Bills of Credit, which shall be issued
and paid out of the said Office, and the Names of those to whom
the same shall be paid and delivered; and also, just, true, and regular
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Accounts of all Bills of Credit, and Sums of Money, which, by
Virtue of the said Act, shall be paid and received, and by whom,
into the said Office, and all other necessary Accounts relating to the
said Bills of Credit; and true Entries make of all other Proceedings
and Transactions of the said Commissioners or Trustees, relative
to their Duty under the said Act, without any fraudulent Practice
whatsoever; So help me God." Which Justice of the Peace, so
administering such Oath, is hereby required immediately to send a
Certificate of such Clerk's having taken such Oath, to the Clerk of the
Provincial Court, who shall receive and file the same in his Office;
and the Office-Bond of the said Clerk of the said Commissioners or
Trustees, and his Sureties in such Bond, shall be answerable for,
and put in Suit, for any Breaches of his Duty committed against
this Act.
XIII. And be it further Enacted, That each of the said Com-
missioners or Trustees, for the Time being, who shall undertake
and execute the aforesaid Trust, shall be allowed for his Trouble
and Service therein, Twenty Pounds Current Money, and no more.
XIV. And be it further Enacted, That the Bills of Credit, that
shall be Emitted and made Current by Virtue of this Act, shall be
Current for and during the same Term and Time as the Bills of
Credit already Emitted and made Current by the Act, for Emitting
and making Current Ninety Thousand Pounds Current Money of
Maryland, in Bills of Credit, are, by the said Act, directed and
appointed to be Current; and during the said Term shall pass and be
received in Payment, Satisfaction, and Discharge, of all Sums of