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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 270   View pdf image (33K)
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270 Assembly Proceedings, March 22-April 11, 1760.

L. H. J.

Liber No. 51
p. 218

Credit; upon such Tender, and paying the Costs, as aforesaid, the
Defendant or Defendants in any such Action or Suit, shall be by
the Court absolutely discharged therefrom.

XVII. And be it further Enacted, That upon Application, during
the Continuance of this Act, to the Commissioners or Trustees afore-
said, by any Person or Persons, having any of the Bills of Credit,
by this Act to be Emitted or made Current, which are torn or defaced,
and not fit to pass, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said
Commissioners or Trustees, and they are hereby required, without
Fee or Reward, in Lieu of such torn or defaced Bill or Bills, to
deliver unto such Person or Persons any Bills of Credit, which may
be received and paid into the said Office in Virtue of this Act,
and which may be in their Hands unapplied, for the same Value
for which such torn or defaced Bill or Bills shall pass Current
at the Time of bringing the same to the said Commissioners or
Trustees, and to keep and retain such torn or defaced Bill or Bills
as shall be brought in; And they shall, and are hereby directed and
required to keep separate and distinct Accounts of all such torn or
defaced Bills, so by them taken and received, and of the Bills of
Credit delivered out in Lieu thereof.

XVIII. And be it further Enacted, That the Commissioners or
Trustees aforesaid, after the Sum of Two Thousand Pounds, and
the Sum of Nine Thousand Pounds, in Bills of Credit, herein before
directed to be paid and delivered out, shall be repaid and replaced
into their said Office, in the same State and Condition in which they
shall be at the Time the same are paid out as aforesaid, by the first
Monies that shall thereafter come into the said Office, shall retain
and keep in the said Office all such Sums of Money, in Bills of Credit,
as they shall receive by Virtue of this Act, except such Part thereof
as shall be exchanged for torn and defaced Bills, and all torn and
defaced Bills, so taken in Exchange, until the next Session of
Assembly; and then shall burn and destroy the same, before the
Committee which shall be appointed to inspect the Accounts and
Proceedings of the said Office; and so from Session to Session, until
they have destroyed the full Sum of Forty-nine Thousand Pounds.

p. 219

XIX. And to the End that no Person may complain of Want of
Opportunities to pay in the Monies, required by the several Laws
of this Province to be paid to the said Commissioners or Trustees for
Emitting Bills of Credit, established by Act of Assembly; Be it
Enacted, That the said Commissioners or Trustees shall, and they
are hereby strictly enjoined and required to attend their Office, for
the Dispatch of Business, on the Wednesdays and Thursdays of
every Week (the usual Holidays of Christmas excepted) from the
Hour of Nine until Twelve in the Forenoon, and from the Hour of
Two until Five Afternoon.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 270   View pdf image (33K)
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