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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 267   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 267

Justice, who shall forthwith endorse the Probate of the same Wit-
nesses on the Back thereof, and also, by an Order under his Hand
on the Back of the same Bond, require the Clerk of the Provincial
Court immediately to record among the Land Records of his Office,
the said Bond, Probate, and Order; and the said Clerk shall imme-
diately after the recording aforesaid, deliver the Original to the
Register of the Chancery Court, to be by him safely kept in the
Chancery Office; and an attested Copy of the said Bond and Probate
from the said Provincial Records, shall be as good Evidence in
Law to maintain an Action of Debt for the Breach of the Condition
thereof, to all Intents and Purposes, as if the said Bond or Bonds
were actually produced and proved in Court. And the said Com-
missioners or Trustees shall also take the following Oath before
some Provincial Justice (who is hereby impowered and required to
administer the same) to wit, "I A. B. do Swear, that I will, according
to the best of my Skill and Knowledge, faithfully, impartially, and
truly demean myself, in Discharge of the Trust committed to me
by an Act of General Assembly of this Province, entittlled, An Act
for granting a Supply of Sixty Thousand Pounds for his Majesty's
Service, and for defraying the Expences heretofore incurred for the
Defence and Security of the Frontier Inhabitants of this Province,
and for other Purposes therein mentioned, according to the Purport
and Tenor of the said Act, so that none may be prejudiced by my
Consent, Privity, or Procurement; So help me God."

XL And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners or
Trustees shall keep true, separate, distinct, and regular Accounts,
as well of the Bills of Credit which they shall Sign, Emit and Issue,

L. H. T.

Liber No. 51
April 8

as aforesaid, as of the Money and Bills of Credit, which they shall
receive and pay pursuant to this Act, and of all other their Proceed-
ings in Consequence thereof; which several Accounts and Proceed-
ings, a Committee of both Houses of Assembly shall be appointed
every Session to inspect and examine. And the said Commissioners
or Trustees are hereby required and obliged to lay such Accounts
as aforesaid, and a full and fair State of their Proceedings, before
such Committee, to the End they may be satisfied, that the Sums,
for which Bills of Credit are directed by this Act to be Issued, are
not exceeded; and may be fully acquainted, from Time to Time,
with the State of the whole Transactions and Affairs relating to the
said Office, and of the Management and Behaviour of the said
Commissioners or Trustees. And the said Committee shall every
Session Report to the General Assembly the State and Condition of
the said Office, and the Conduct and Behaviour of the said Com-
missioners or Trustees, to the End that any Corruption or Mis-
management, may be timely guarded against and prevented.

XII. And be it further Enacted, That the Clerk, for the Time
being, to the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid, shall keep the

p. 215

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 267   View pdf image (33K)
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