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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 266   View pdf image (33K)
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266 Assembly Fruwedings, March 22-April 11, 1760.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 8

VII. And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners or
Trustees, after the said Bills of Credit are Printed, and by them
Signed, Dated and Numbered, according to the Directions of this

p. 213

Act, shall deposite and keep them in one of the Iron Chests now
in the Paper Currency Office; and that each Commissioner or Trustee
shall keep a Key, to the End that no Bills of Credit which shall be
signed, may be taken out or disposed of, but by or in the Presence
of all the Commissioners or Trustees; which Chest shall be by
them kept in the Repository built for the present Paper Currency.
And the said Commissioners or Trustees are hereby impowered
and directed to issue and pay out the said Bills of Credit to the
Agents, Commissioners and Persons, herein after appointed to
demand and receive the same.
VIII. And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners
or Trustees shall, out of the said Bills of Credit so to be Printed
and Stamped as aforesaid, pay to the said Printer for providing
Materials for, and Printing and Stamping the said Bills of Credit,
amounting to Forty Thousand Pounds, and doing and performing
every Service by Virtue of this Act by him to be performed, the
Sum of One Hundred and Sixty Pounds, and no more.
IX. And be it further Enacted, That any Person or Persons who
shall Counterfeit any of the said Bills of Credit, which shall be
emitted or made current by this Act, or shall alter the Sum ex-
pressed in any of the said Bills, and his, her or their Aiders or
Abettors, or who shall utter or offer, or cause to be uttered or
offered, in Payment, any such counterfeit or altered Bill or Bills,
knowing the same to be counterfeit or altered, and shall be thereof
convicted by due Course of Law, or stand mute, or peremptorily
challenge above the Number of Twenty of the Pannel, shall suffer
Death as a Felon or Felons without Benefit of Clergy; and all
Magistrates and Others, into whose Hands any such counterfeited
or altered Bills may happen to come, shall forthwith deliver the
same to one of the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid, who shall
cause the Names of those that delivered them, and of the Persons
from whom they were taken, to be endorsed on the Back thereof ;
which Bills shall be safely kept in the said Office, and be forth
coming when there may be Occasion thereof.

p. 214

X. And be it further Enacted, That the Said Commissioners or
Trustees, before they enter upon the Execution of their Trust under
this Act, shall each of them severally enter into Bond, with sufficient
Sureties, jointly and severally, before one of the Provincial Trea-
surers for the Time being, in the Penalty of Three Thousand Pounds
Sterling Money, payable to the said Lord Proprietary, for the
Observance and faithful Discharge of the Trust hereby reposed in
them. And the said Treasurer shall immediately cause the said
Bonds to be proved by the Witnesses thereto, before one Provincial

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 266   View pdf image (33K)
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