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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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258 Assembly Proceedings, March 22-April 11, 1760.

Printer to the Province. \ M.DCC.L.X.". In the marginal references
in this volume of the Archives the title is abbreviated thus: Pamphlet:
Md. Hist. Soc.; "Three Bills which did not pass", 1760.]

Md. Hist.
Soc., "Three
Bills which
did not pass,
1760", p. 5

An Act to continue the several Taxes and Duties mentioned in the
Act for granting a Supply of Forty Thousand Pounds for his
Majesty's Service, and the several Acts therein mentioned; and
for suspending the Time appointed by the said Act for laying an
additional Tax on Lands.

p. 6

I. For as much as it appears to this General Assembly, that the
several Taxes and Duties imposed and directed to be levied, col-
lected, and paid in to the Commissioners or Trustees for emitting
Bills of Credit, established by Act of Assembly, by the Act entituled,
An Act for granting a Supply of Forty Thousand Pounds for his
Majesty's Service, and striking Thirty-four Thousand and Fifteen
Pounds Six Shillings thereof in Bills of Credit, and raising a Fund
for sinking the same, will not be sufficient to replace and sink the
said Sum of Forty Thousand Pounds in Manner and by the Time
in the said Act limited and apopinted; but that there will be a great
Deficiency, which by the said Act is directed to be taxed and levied
on the Lands only within this Province, whereby a Tax unequal
and particularly grievous to the Land-Holders must be imposed :
For Remedy whereof,

II. Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That the several and respective Clauses mentioned and
contained in the said Act, relating to the several Duties, Taxes, Fines,
Forfeitures and Penalties, thereby imposed or continued, and the
Levying, Collecting, Recovery and Paying in thereof, (except as
therein excepted, and except also such Parts thereof, relative thereto,
as are hereby repealed) and also the several and rspective Clauses in
the said Act relating to the replacing and sinking the aforesaid Sum
of Forty Thousand Pounds, shall be and are hereby declared to
continue and be in full Force for and during the Time hereafter

III. And be it likewise Enacted, That such Parts of the Act of
Assembly entituled, An Act for issuing and taking out of the Office
of the Commissioners or Trustees appointed for emitting Bills of
Credit, established by Act of Assembly, the Sum of Four Thousand
Five Hundred Pounds Current Money, for Encouragement of such
able-bodied Freemen as shall voluntarily enlist themselves in his
Majesty's Service for the intended Expedition against Canada, and
for maintaining and conveying them to the Place of Rendezvous, as
also for replacing of the said Sum, and for the better regulating

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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