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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 259

Ordinaries and Ordinary-Keepers, and for other Purposes therein
mentioned, as relate to the regulating of Ordinaries, Ordinary-
Keepers, granting Ordinary Licences, and the several Clauses, Mat-
ters and Things, therein mentioned, concerning the same, and the
several Clauses of the Act for his Majesty's Service, made at a
Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis on
the Seventeenth Day of July, in the Year One Thousand Seven

Md. Hist.
Soc., "Three
Bills which
did not pass

hundred and Fifty-four, any Way relative to the several Duties,
Taxes, Licence-Money, Fines and Forfeitures, therein mentioned,
except the Duty on Servants imported for the Term of Seven
Years and upwards, and the Duty of Two Pence per Gallon on
Madeira Wine, shall be, and are hereby continued in full Force,
from the Time the Purposes in the said Act shall be fully answered
and compiled with, until the Purposes of the Act entituled, An Act
for granting a Supply of Forty Thousand Pounds for his Majesty's
Service, and striking Thirty-four Thousand and Fifteen Pounds
Six Shillings thereof in Bills of Credit, and raising a Fund for
sinking the same, shall be fully answered and complied with, and the
Sum of Money .thereby granted, shall be repaid and replaced in the
Loan Office, and from thence for and during the Continuance
this Act.

IV. And to prevent any Evils that may arise, should the several
Funds by the aforesaid Acts imposed, and by this Act continued, be
insufficient to replace and sink the Sum of Forty Thousand Pounds,
according to the true Intent and Design of this, and the Act for
granting thereof ;

V. Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the Honour-
able Samuel Chamberlaine, Philip Thomas, Benjamin Tasker, junior,
Richard Lee, Benedict Calvert, and William Goldsborough, Es-
quires, Philip Hammond, Charles Carroll, John Gassaway, William
Murdock, Matthew Tilghman, and Robert Lloyd, Esquires, are
appointed by Virtue of this Act, Commissioners for the Purposes
herein after mentioned, that is to say, The said Commissioners, or
the Majority of them, or of the Survivors of them, shall, on the
First Monday of August, which shall be in the Year of our Lord One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-three, repair to the Office of
the Commissioners or Trustees for emitting Bills of Credit, estab-
lished by Act of Assembly, and there examine and inspect into tht
State of the Funds and Accounts of Money paid into the said Office
in Virtue of this Act, and the Parts of the Acts herein mentioned
to be continued, and shall make an Estimate of what the several
Taxes, Duties, Impositions, Licence-Money, Fines and Forfeitures
therein mentioned and continued, will amount to in Eight Years,
allowing the Eighth Year's Collection of the said Taxes, Duties
Impositions, Licence-Money, Fines and Forfeitures, to be equal tc

p. 7

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 259   View pdf image (33K)
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