The Lower House. 257
Indorsed, "By the Upper House of Assembly, April I, 1760.
Read the first Time, and Ordered to lie on the Table."
And thus, "By the Upper House of Assembly, April 7, 1760.
Read the second Time, and will not pass.
Signed p Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho."
Ordered, That Alexander Williamson, Esq; Mr. Lloyd, and Mr.
Earle, be a Committee to state and adjust the Clerk's and Serjeant's
Accounts for Fees accrued by Order of the House, and Report
the same.
Ordered, That the Bill, entituled, An Act to continue the several
Taxes and Duties mentioned in the Act for granting a Supply of
Forty thousand Pounds for his Majesty's Service, and the several
Acts therein mentioned, and for suspending the Time appointed by
the said Act for laying an additional Tax on Lands, and the Message
from the Upper House sent with the said Bill, be Printed with the
Votes and Proceedings of this Session, and in the Maryland
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 8
[Editor's Note: The bill referred to in the preceding paragraph
continuing certain taxes imposed under the £40,000 Supply Bill for
His Majesty's Service of 1756, is not entered either in the official
manuscript liber or in the printed "Votes and Proceedings" of the
Lower House for this session, but was printed separately by order
of the Lower House, for propaganda purposes, in pamphlet form
together with two other bills which were refected by the Upper
House. For some reason not very clear, the latter two bills, viz:
the Assessment or Supply Bill (pp. 263-305) and the Naturalisation
Bill (pp. 309-313), are both entered in the official manuscript liber
of the Proceedings of the Lower House for this session, while the
first bill is not entered. It therefore seems best to interpolate here,
rather than in the Appendix, the rejected bill which sought to con-
tinue in force certain taxes imposed under the £40,000 Supply Bill
of 1756, referred to in the preceding paragraph. Only two copies
of this pamphlet in which these rejected bills are printed are known
to exist, one in the Maryland State Library in Annapolis and one
in the Maryland Historical Society. The title of this fifty-five page
pamphlet reads: "At A Session of Assembly, began [sic] at the
City of Annapolis, on the 22d Day of March, 1760, which conti-
nued until the nth Day of April, it \ was Ordered by the Honourable
the \ Lower House, That the following \ Three Bills which did
not Pass in- \ to Laws, with the Amendments pro- \ posed to the
first by the Lower House, \ and Message sent with the second. \
should be Printed, and sent to the se- \ veral Counties in this
Province. \ [Colophon]: \ Annapolis: \ Printed by Jonas Green,