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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 256   View pdf image (33K)
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256 Assembly Proceedings, March 22-April 11, 1760.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 8

Title to; but that the Estate, Right or Title of every such Person or
Persons, being a Papist or Papists, or reputed so to be, or Romish
or Jesuitical Priest or Priests, or Persons reputed so to be, shall
remain and continue in the same Plight, State and Condition, to all
Intents and Purposes, which it would have been had this Act never
been made; any Thing herein before contained to the contrary
notwithstanding. )
Signed p Order, M. Macnemara, Cl. Lo. Ho.

Which were Read and agreed to.
The Bill, entituled, An Act for Naturalization; was Read the
second Time, and was Ordered to be endorsed, "Read the second
Time, and with the Amendments herewith sent, will pass," and
was sent to the Upper House, with the said Amendments, (Signed
by the Clerk of the House p Order) by Mr. Carroll and Mr.
Benedict Calvert, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker, the Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, A
Supplementary Act to the Act for ascertaining the Heighth of
Fences, &c.
The Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, An Act
to remedy some Evils relating to Servants.
The Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, An Act
for Relieving the Inhabitants of this Province from some Aggriev-
ances in the Prosecution of Suits at Law, &c.
And, the Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act for the Gauge
of Barrels for Pork, Beef, &c. severally Indorsed, "By the Upper
House of Assembly, 1st April, 1760. Read the first Time and Or-
dered to lie on the Table."
And thus, "By the Upper House of Assembly, 7th April, 1760.
Read the second Time, and, with the following Amendment, will
pass": Leave out all the remaining Part of the Bill, after the
Words in full Force, in the last Line but two.
Signed p Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho.

Which Amendments to the said Bills being severally Read, the
Question was put, That this House do concur therewith. Resolved
in the Negative.
The Journal of Accounts was Read and Assented to, and sent
to the Upper House by Mr. Govane, and Four more.

Richard Lee, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker, the Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act for the
speedy Recovery of small Debts out of Court, before one Justice of
the Peace. And,

p. 209

The Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled, An Act
directing the Manner of punishing Fornication and Adultery, &c.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 256   View pdf image (33K)
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