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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 255   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 255

In the fourth Line of the third Page, after the Word Wales,
strike out the Word (and.)

In the thirteenth Line of the third Page, after the Word Pro-
vincial, insert the Words (or any County.)
After the Word Records, in the Seventeenth Line of the third
Page, add the following Clauses, to wit,
(Provided always, and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
That no Person, of what Quality, Condition, or Place whatsoever,
other than and except such of the People called Quakers, and all

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 8

foreign Protestants, who conscientiously scruple the taking an
Oath, as shall qualify themselves, and be naturalized by the Ways
and Means herein before mentioned, shall be naturalized by Virtue
of this Act, unless such Person shall have received the Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper in some Protestant and Reformed Congre-
gation within this Province, within three Months next before his
taking and subscribing the said Oaths, and making, repeating, and
subscribing, the said Declaration; and shall at the Time of his
taking and subscribing the said Oaths, and making, repeating and
subscribing the said Declaration, produce a Certificate signed by the
Person administering the said Sacrament, and attested by two
credible Witnesses, whereof an Entry shall be made in the Provincial
or the County Court of this Province, where the said Oaths shall be
so taken, as aforesaid, without Fee or Reward.)
(Provided also, and it is hereby further Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid, That nothing in this Act contained, shall extend or be
construed to extend, to naturalize any Person or Persons whatsoever,
who, by Virtue of an Act of Parliament made in the fourth Year
of his Majesty's Reign (entituled, An Act to explain a Clause in an
Act made in the seventh Year of the Reign of her late Majesty Queen
Anne, for Naturalizing foreign Protestants, which relates to the
Children of natural born Subjects of the Crown of England, or of
Great-Britain) are declared and enacted not to be entitled to the
Benefit of the said Act of the seventh Year of her said late Majesty's
Reign; but that all such Persons shall be and remain in the same
State, Plight and Condition, to all Intents, Constructions and Pur-
poses whatsoever, as they would have been in if this Act had never
been made; any Thing herein contained to the contrary, in any wise,
( Provided also, and be it likewise Enacted by the Authority, Ad-
vice, and Consent aforesaid, That nothing herein contained shall
be construed, deemed, or taken, to secure or make valid the Estate,
Right or Title of any Person or Persons, being a Papist or Papists,
or reputed so to be, or of any Romish or Jesuitical Priest or Priests,
or Persons reputed so to be, of, in or to, any Lands, Tenements, or
Hereditaments, that he, she or they, now is, are or shall be, in Pos-

p. 207

session of, or do or hereafter shall claim any Estate in, or Right or

p. 208

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 255   View pdf image (33K)
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