Whitehall 29th Decem.r 1758
In Transmitting to you the Inclosed Duplicate of my Letter of
the 9.th Instant I have the Kings Particular commands to Renew
and enforce, in the Strongest Manner the necessity of a punctual
Complyance with the orders therein contained & you will Accordingly
urge in the most expessive Terms to the Council and Assembly of
your Province the Importance of their exerting themselves in the
present Critical & decisive moment, in Which their own Interests
and Security are so nearly concerned that it would Seem Superfluous
to Add the further Motives of their duty to the King, and of the
Gratitude they owe to this Country, for the very great expence and
Succours Supplied for their Immediate Defence, and for the future
Safety of all their Rights and possessions in America, and the Levy-
ing the Men to be furnished by the Several Provinces, without any
Delay, and in Such time that they may not fail to be at the Rendez-
U. H. J.
Liber No. 35
April 4
vous that Shall be appointed for them so as to be ready to commence
the operations by the Ist of May is so essential as well for Preventing
the Extraordinary Efforts which it is Supposed the Enemy is pre-
paring to make to Stop the further Progress of his Majestys Arms
in America as for pushing with Success the ensuing Campaign, that
it is the Kings Pleasure that you do employ the utmost Diligence
and every means in your Power to forward and Expedite this Service
in the most effectual Manner and to avoid any Disappointment hap-
pening from the Slowness of the Levies, or from the Men who shall
be Raised not Proceeding in due time to the Rendezvous; with Regard
to the Expences incured by your Province for the Last Campaign I
am further to Acquaint you that as soon as the Agents of the Respec-
tive Provinces duly authorized shall Produce the Necessary Docu-
ments the Same will Without Delay be recommended to Parliament
for a Reasonable Compensation agreeable to the Gracious Assur-
ances which the King was pleased to Allow me to give in my Letter
of the 30th December Last Year.
I am Sir your most Obedient Humble Serv.t
W. Pitt
New York 18 March 1759
It having become Necessary, by the Demise of Brig/ Gen. Forbes,
that an Officer of Rank and Experience shoud without Loss of time
proceed to Pensylvania to take on him the Command of his Majestys
Regular Troops and those to be raised by the Southern Provinces
to Act in Conjunction for the Security and Defence of those prov-
inces, or otherwise as Opportunities shall Offer or the Exegencies
may require, I have thought it for the Good of his Majestys Service
to Appoint Brig.r Gen. Stanwix to that Command and he does
Accordingly set out tomorrow for Philadelphia to take upon him
p. 402