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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 144   View pdf image (33K)
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144 Assembly Proceedings, April 4-17, 1759.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 35
April 4

easy and Success full. It is unnecessary to Add anything to Annimate
your Zeal in the Execution of his Majestys Orders on this Great
Occasion, where the future Safety and Welfare of America, and of
your own Province in Particular are at Stake and the King Doubts
not from your known Fidelity and Attachment, that you will employ
your self, with the utmost Application and Dispatch in this urgent

and decisive Crisis I am Sir
Your most Obedient

Humble Servant
Wm Pitt.

p. 401

New York Dec.r 13. 1758.

The King having been Pleased to Appoint me Commander in
Chief of his Majestys Forces in North America and having at the
Same time Signified to me his Royal Pleasure, that I should corre-
spond with, and apply to all his Governors on the Continent for
their aid & Assistance in carrying on the Services Pointed out to
me, I am in obedience to those Commands, to Acquaint you, that
Altho I have not as yet any Particular Orders relative to the Opera-
tions of the ensuing Campaign Immagine they will require the Same
Number of provincial Troops that were voted by the respective
provinces and Colonies this Year; and it will Likewise be Necessary
in order to Carry those Operations the more effectually into Execu-
tion that those Troops should be at the Place of Rendezvouz as early
in the Spring as possible; I woud therefore recommend it to you if
the Troops raised by your Province for the Services of Last Cam-
paign, are not already disbanded that you woud move your Assembly
to Continue them in their pay during the Winter which will not only
be a great saving in Point of time, but by what I can understand a
great Saving of expence to the Province Wherefore I shoud hope
you will the more easily Succeed in your application but if it should
so happen that before the receipt of this Letter those troops had
already been Disbanded, In that Case I must Desire that you will
Loose no time in using your Influence with your Assembly to move
them to order new Levies and to Cause these to be provided with
the usual Necessaries and to be ready by the time the Season will
Admit their Taking the Field

Having also received his Majestys Orders to recruit and Com-
pleat the Regiments now serving on the Continent, I am likewise to
beg your Countenance and Protection to the Officers I shall have
Occasion to send, as well as to those that have Already been sent
by my predecessor, on that Service, and that you will be Aiding
and Assisting unto them in the Execution thereof
I am with great regard,
Sir your most Obed.t
Humble Serv.t
Jeff Amherst

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 144   View pdf image (33K)
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