the Enemy, and most Efficacious towards removing and repelling
the Dangers that Threaten the Frontiers of any of the Southern
Colonies on the Continent of America and the better to facilitate
this Important Service, the King is Pleased to leave it to you to
Issue Commissions to Such Gentlemen of your Province as you
shall Judge from their weight and Credit with the People and their
Zeale for the Publick Service, may be best Disposed and enabled to
quicken and effectuate the Speedy Levying of the greatest Number of
men in the Dispositions of Which Commissions I am perswaided
you will have nothing in View, but the Good of the Kings Service,
U. H. J.
Liber No. 35
April 4
and a due Subordination of the Whole when joined to his Majestys
Commander; and all Officers of the Provincial Forces as high as
Colonels inclusive, are to have Rank according to their several
respective Commissions agreeable to the regulations contained in his
Majestys Warrant of the 30.th of December last year. The King is
further Pleased to furnish all the men so Raised as above with Arms
Ammunition and Tents as Well as to Order provisions to be Issued
to the Same, by his Majestys Commissarys, in the Same Proportion
and Manner as is done to the rest of the Kings Forces and a Sufficient
Train of Artilery will also be Provided at his Majestys Expence, for
the operations of the Campaign; The whole therefore that the King
expects and requires from the Several Provinces, is, the Levying
Cloathing and pay of the Men, and on these Heads also that no
Encouragement may be wanting to the fullest Exertion of your
Force his Majesty is farther most Graciously Pleased to permit me
to Acquaint you, that Strong recommendations will be made to
Parliament in their Session next year, to grant a proper Compen-
sation for Such Expences as above, according as the Active Vigour
and Strenuous efforts of the respective Provinces shall justly appear
to merit
It is his Majestys Pleasure that you do, with Particular Diligence
immediately collect and put into the best condition all the Arms Issued
Last Campaign which can be any ways rendered Serviceable, or that
can be found within your Government in order that the same may
be employed as far as they will go in this Exigency I am at the same
time to acquaint you that a reasonable Supply of Arms will be sent
from England to replace such as may have been Lost or have become
unfit for Future Service.
I am further to inform you that Similar orders are sent, by this
Conveyance to Pensylvania, Virginia North Carolina and South
The Northern Governments are also Directed to raise men in the
Same manner to be employed in Such Offensive Operations, as the
Circumstances and Scituation of the Enemys Possessions in those
parts may point out; which it is hoped will Oblige them so to divide
their Attention and Forces as will render the Several Attempts more
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