696 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 28-May 13, 1758.
Liber H. S.
No. i
or Naval-Officer aforesaid, as the Case shall happen; which Certificate
or Permit, for such Horse, Mare, Colt or Gelding, the said Person
or Persons shall produce to any Person or Persons demanding a
Sight of the same, at the Dwelling-House of the Purchaser, Owner
or Possessor of such Horse, Mare, Colt or Gelding, as aforesaid.
And in Case any Person or Persons, who shall purchase, or by Barter,
Exchange, or any other Method, receive to his Use or Possession
any such Horse, Mare, Colt or Gelding, and shall fail or refuse to
produce such Certificate or Permit when thereto required as afore-
said, he, she or they, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds
Current Money; one Half thereof to the Informer, or him, her or
them, that sue for the same; the other Half to be paid to the Com-
missioners or Trustees in the said Act mentioned, and applied as
herein after directed; to be recovered before one Magistrate in a
summary Manner.
or People
actually re-
Provided always, and be it Enacted, That nothing in this, or the
above mentioned Act, shall extend or be construed to extend to any
Traveller, who shall bring with him into this Province any Horses,
Mares, Colts or Geldings, for his, her or their Journey, and shall
not sell or exchange the same in this Province, or to any Person or
Persons who shall be actually removing their Families and Effects
into this Province, to reside herein.
[Sheriff s to
be Collec-
tors, and
sion'd by
the Gov-
ernor, and to
give Bond.]
And whereas by the above said Act, it is Enacted, That the Sheriffs
of the respective Counties within this Province, for the Time being,
shall be Collectors of the Duty, by the said Act imposed on Liquors,
and shall be commissioned by the Governor or Commander in Chief,
for the Time being; but before they should enter upon the Execution
of their Office, they and each of them should give Bond, with Two
sufficient Securities, to the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
of this Province, in the Sum of Four Hundred Pounds Current
Money; which said Bond the Commissioners of the Loan-Office are
impowered to sue, if the Sheriffs aforesaid should not comply there-
with : And there being no Provision made in the said Act, by whom
such Bond should be taken, nor to what Court the said Bond shall,
when taken, be returned to be Recorded; it is therefore prayed it may
be Enacted ;
Bonds how
to be taken,
proved, and
And be it Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent afore-
said, That the said Bond shall be entered into by every such Collector
and his Sureties, before One Justice of the Provincial Court, or
Two Justices of the County Courts, who are hereby required and
impowered to take the same; which Bond, so entered into, and taken
by the said Justice or Justices, he or they shall immediately call before
him or them the Witnesses to the said Bond or Bonds, and cause a
Probate thereof to be made before him or them, which he or they
shall indorse on the Back of the said Bond or Bonds, and shall im-
mediately transmit the said Bond or Bonds to the Clerk of the Pro-