Acts. 695
This Act to continue for Three Years, and unto the End of the
next Session of Assembly which shall happen after the Expiration
of the said Three Years.
Liber H. S.
No. 1 p. 361
1.st May 1758 On behalf of the Right 1.st May 1758
Read and assented to Honourable the Lord Read and Assented to
by the Lower house of Proprietary of this Prov- by the Upper House of
assembly ince I will this be a Law assembly
Signed p order Hor.o Sharpe Signed p order
MMacnemara Cl lo ho JRoss Cl Up Ho
| The Great Seal |
| in Wax append.t |
No. 5 A Supplementary Act to an Act, entituled, An Act for Granting a
Supply of Forty Thousand Pounds for his Majesty's Service,
and striking Thirty-four Thousand and Fifteen Pounds Six Shil-
lings thereof in Bills of Credit, and Raising a Fund for Sinking
the same.
Whereas the several Clauses in the said Act, laying a Duty of
Forty Shillings Current Money on any Horse, Mare, Colt or Gelding,
brought from any other Colony into this Province, to be sold, bartered
or exchanged, are found by Experience to be ineffectual : For Remedy
whereof, it is prayed that it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That from and after the Eleventh Day of June next,
the Clerk of every County, or Naval-Officer of any District, within
this Province, with whom any such Horse, Mare, Colt or Gelding,
shall be Entered, and to whom the Duty shall be paid, agreeable to
the Directions of the said Act, shall, and is hereby required and
directed to give to such Person or Persons, that shall Enter the same,
and pay the Duty aforesaid, a fair, distinct and separate Certificate,
under the Hand of the said Clerk, and the Seal of the County, or a
Permit, for the Sale of the same, as the Case shall require, expressing
in such Certificate or Permit the Size and Age of such Horse, Mare,
Colt or Gelding, with their Marks both natural and artificial; and
for every such Certificate or Permit, the Person or Persons so obtain-
ing the same, shall pay to the Clerk for such Certificate, or Naval-
Officer, for the Permit aforesaid, the Sum of One Shilling Current
Money, and no more.
clerks and
Officers to
give Certifi-
cates or
Permits for
Horses, &c.
with them.]
And be it likewise Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That every
Person or Persons residing within this Province, who shall, after the
End of this Session of Assembly, purchase or take to his Use or
Possession, any such Horse, Mare, Colt or Gelding, shall, at the
Time of such Purchase, or Taking the same to his Use and Posses-
sion, receive the certificate or Permit aforesaid, granted by the Clerk
p. 362
to receive the
Permits, and
produce them
when de-
manded at
their Dwell-
ing- House.]