Acts. 697
vincial Court, who shall forthwith Record the same in the Provincial
Land Records; and after the Entry thereof upon Record, shall lodge
the said Bond immediately with the Register of the Chancery Court,
who is hereby required to take Charge of the same; and an attested
Copy of the said Bond and Probate, from the said Provincial
Records, shall be as good Evidence in Law to maintain an Action of
Debt for the Breach of the Condition thereof, to all Intents and
Purposes, as if the said Bond or Bonds were actually produced and
proved in open Court. And in Case the Sufficiency of such Securities,
shall at any Time afterwards be disapproved by the Justices of the
Provincial Court, in Court sitting, the said Sheriffs or Collectors
shall be obliged to enter into new Bond, in Manner and Form afore-
said, with such Securities as the said Provincial Court shall approve ;
and all and every of which said Bonds shall be taken, proved, trans-
mitted, recorded and lodged, as aforesaid; and shall be put in Suit
by the Order of the Commissioners of the Loan-Office, for the Time
being, as often as any Breach shall be made thereof.
Liber H. S.
No. i
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures, above by this Act laid and imposed,
shall be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information or
Indictment, in any Court of Record within this Province, and applied
and paid, the one Half to the Use of the Informer, the other to the
Commissioners or Trustees of the Loan-Office, for the Time being,
to be applied to the Sinking of the said Sum, by the said Act, to which
this is Supplementary, Raised and Emitted for his Majesty's Service.
This Act to continue in Force, from and after the End of this
Session of Assembly, during the Continuance of the before men-
tioned Act.
[Fines how
and applied.]
8.th May 1758 On behalf of the Right 8.th May 1758
Read and assented to Honourable the Lord Read and Assented to
By the Lower House of Proprietary of this Prov- by the Upper House of
Assembly ince I will this be a Law Assembly
Signed p order Hor.o Sharpe Signed p order
MMacnemara Cl lo ho JRoss Cl Up Ho
| The Great Seal
| in Wax append.t |
No. 6 An Act entituled, An Act to Repeal Part of an Act, entituled, An
Act Repealing Part of an Act laying an Imposition on Negroes
and on several Sorts of Liquors imported; and also on Irish
Servants, and to prevent the Importing too great a Number of
Irish Papists into this Province; and to lay a Duty upon Rum,
Spirits, Wine and Brandy, imported into this Province from
Pennsylvania, or the Three Lower Counties on Delaware, called
New-Castle, Kent and Sussex.
p. 364
Whereas it is found by Experience, that the Duty imposed by an
Act, entituled, An Act Repealing Part of an Act, entituled, An Act