462 Assembly Proceedings, Feb. ij-Mar. 9, 1758.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 49
Mar. 9
Thursday, March 9, 1758.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday. The Proceedings were Read.
Mr. King and Capt. Lowes appeared in the House.
On Motion, Ordered, That an Address be prepared to his Excel-
lency the Governor; and that Colonel Tilghman do prepare and bring
in such Address.
Mr. Waggaman having urgent Business to transact, hath Leave
to be absent.
Mr. Matthew Tilghman brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, a
Bill, entituled, An Act relating to Guardians and Orphans; which
was Read the first Time, and Ordered to lie on the Table.
On Reading the second Time the Bill, entituled, An Act for the
Security of Purchasers and Others, claiming by or from Aliens, the
Question was put, That the said Bill do Pass. Resolved in the Affirma-
For the Affirmative,
Reeder, Sulivane, Fraser,
Williamson, Govane, T. Gantt,
Hynson, Cockey Deye, Bracco,
Rasin, Baker, Henry,
Waggaman, Ward, Chapline,
Lowes, Dulany, E. Dorsey,
Wilson, Woodward, Beatty,
Gray, Murdock, Cresap. [24]
For the Negative,
Tilden, J. J. Mackall, Owings,
Hammond, E. Gantt, King,
Carroll, M. Tilghman, Lloyd,
Worthington, Lecompte, E. Tilghman. [12]
On Resolution of the aforegoing Question, the said Bill was
Indorsed, " Read the second Time, and will Pass; " and was sent
to the Upper House by Capt. Chapline and Mr. Beatty.
p. 266
Mr. Bracco brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, a Bill, entituled,
An Act to make it Penal to forge or counterfeit the Bills of Credit
of Virginia, Pennsylvania, New-York, East or West Jerseys, or
the Three Lower Counties on Delaware, called New-Castle, Kent,
and Suffex, or to utter or tender the same in Payment within this
Province, knowing them to be such; was Read the first and second
Time by an especial Order, and will Pass; and was sent to the Upper
House by Mr. Thomas Gantt and Mr. Tilden.